javascript Programming Glossary: strcssrule
JavaScript get Styles the last article here is a function function getStyle oElm strCssRule var strValue if document.defaultView document.defaultView.getComputedStyle.. oElm .getPropertyValue strCssRule else if oElm.currentStyle strCssRule strCssRule.replace w g.. .getPropertyValue strCssRule else if oElm.currentStyle strCssRule strCssRule.replace w g function strMatch p1 return p1.toUpperCase..
Getting actual height of an auto-heighted element in IE will. please take a look at this function getStyle oElm strCssRule var strValue if document.defaultView document.defaultView.getComputedStyle.. oElm .getPropertyValue strCssRule else if oElm.currentStyle strCssRule strCssRule.replace w g.. .getPropertyValue strCssRule else if oElm.currentStyle strCssRule strCssRule.replace w g function strMatch p1 return p1.toUpperCase..