javascript Programming Glossary: starttime
Call a javascript function at a specific time of day openAPage 60 1000 millisTill10 function openAPage var startTime new Date .getTime var myWin http _blank.. _blank var endTime new Date .getTime var timeTaken endTime startTime document.write br button pressed@ br document.write new Date.. br button pressed@ br document.write new Date startTime document.write br page loaded@ br document.write new Date endTime..
Calculate speed using javascript infinity var imageAddr images image.jpg n Math.random var startTime endTime var downloadSize 200000 var download new Image download.onload.. function endTime new Date .getTime showResults startTime new Date .getTime download.src imageAddr function showResults.. function showResults var duration Math.round endTime startTime 1000 var bitsLoaded downloadSize 8 var speedBps Math.round bitsLoaded..
How to detect internet speed in Javascript? 2 Code is var imageAddr yourimage.jpg n Math.random var startTime endTime var downloadSize size here... var download new Image.. function endTime new Date .getTime showResults startTime new Date .getTime download.src imageAddr function showResults.. imageAddr function showResults var duration endTime startTime 1000 var bitsLoaded downloadSize 8 var speedBps bitsLoaded duration..
In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute? script type text javascript document .ready function startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #withoutcontext.. s .someclass #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass.. #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #somecontainer..
ios 5 pauses javascript when tab is not active from a period of pausing. div id counter div script var startTime new Date var updateCounter function var displayArea document.getElementById.. new Date var differenceInSeconds Math.round currentTime startTime 1000 0 displayArea.innerHTML differenceInSeconds window.setInterval..
Is the recommendation to include CSS before JavaScript invalid? head title test title script type 'text javascript' var startTime new Date script link href http 8081 test.css delay.. is script type 'text javascript' document.write new Date startTime script p body html When I include the CSS first the page takes..