javascript Programming Glossary: startoffset
Set cursor to specific position in CKEditor deleting DOM nodes. The same may happen with offsets startOffset and endOffset properties if you removed one of start end container's..
html - selection range - getting the range + starting node + ending node + distance startNode.nodeType 3 startNode startNode.splitText range.startOffset range.setStart startNode 0 But yet I am confused about getting.. startContainer the node containing the start of the range startOffset an offset within the start container node a character offset..
update textarea value, but keep cursor position offset .split r n .length 1 function setInputSelection el startOffset endOffset if typeof el.selectionStart number typeof el.selectionEnd.. number typeof el.selectionEnd number el.selectionStart startOffset el.selectionEnd endOffset else var range el.createTextRange.. var startCharMove offsetToRangeCharacterMove el startOffset range.collapse true if startOffset endOffset range.move character..
Get caret (cursor) position in contentEditable area containing HTML content of code var position window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 .startOffset This works fine while the element contains just text. But when.. character offset within the text of the whole document the startOffset property of a DOM Range which is what window.getSelection .getRangeAt..
designMode iFrame Get Cursor Position .getRangeAt 0 From there getting the property startOffset gets the number of characters from the beginning of that line..