javascript Programming Glossary: standardize
Which Devices Support Javascript Geolocation via navigator.geolocation? this question Although I think it's a great practice to standardize on the draft by the way W3C Geolocation API it's worth noting..
How to create circular animation with different objects using JQUERY to change the left top width height properties of boxes standardize them set the correct unit circle radius and initial angles ...
Is var self = this; a bad pattern? standard way to keep the correct bindings around Should I standardize on using 'self' everywhere unless i explicitly need 'this'... standard way to keep the correct bindings around Should I standardize on using 'self' everywhere unless i explicitly need 'this'...
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices I am working on making a list of things that we should standardize to add a new section to my company's Front end Code Standards..
setTimeout(): If not defined in EcmaScript spec, where can I learn how it works? have those features. The W3C has been trying to standardize the window object and its various features including setTimeout..
Why JS function name conflicts with element ID? the DOM Level 2 HTML Specification a continuing effort to standardize and extend common features of existing DOM implementations at..