javascript Programming Glossary: standards
Set cursor position on contentEditable <div> share improve this question This is compatible with the standards based browsers but will probably fail in IE. I'm providing it.. return selection window.getSelection Get range standards if selection.getRangeAt undefined range selection.getRangeAt..
jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed] a course however another part involves communicating standards and best practice. If you Google 'jQuery best practice' you.. http blog p 48 javascript jquery standards share improve this question You can find this trending topic..
Non-Standard Attributes on HTML Tags. Good Thing? Bad Thing? Your Thoughts? of data easier and is thus more versatile. It is also standards compliant. I am curious what this communities thoughts are... the potential downsides if there are any javascript html standards share improve this question I am a big fan of the proposed..
HTML Script tag: type or language (or omit both)? much all browsers but the first better adheres to modern standards. As for omitting type yes it will still work but in XHTML 1.0.. attribute type not specified So if you're a fan of standards use it. It should have no practical effect but when in doubt..
Why can I use a function before it's defined in Javascript? ECMA 262 is not a very readable document even by standards standards the containing function or script element. share.. ECMA 262 is not a very readable document even by standards standards the containing function or script element. share improve this..
Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc) eg. for indexOf . They're generally rigorously standards compliant even to the extent of explicitly checking the types.. as such . js methods looks OK in general but is not as standards compliant around the edges of how the functions are supposed.. non integer indexes but apart from that it attempts to be standards compliant. Let me know if I've missed anything. 'use strict'..
(![]+[])[+[]]… Explain why this works
Do web sites really need to cater for browsers that don't have Javascript enabled? [closed] you are required by law to support certain accessibility standards that include working with javascript disabled. share improve..
Why JS function name conflicts with element ID? myForm.border which is the proprietary shorthand of the standards compliant W3C DOM Level 2 HTML but equally backwards compatible.. onchange 'this.form.border this.value ' gt form or the standards compliant form gt name border onchange 'this.form.elements border..
Why does an onclick property set with setAttribute fail to work in IE? onclick function runCommand but it will break in IE in non standards mode according to @scunliffe. You can't do this at all execBtn.setAttribute..
__proto__ Vs. prototype in JavaScript property of an object pointing to its prototype. Current standards provide an equivalent Object.getPrototypeOf O method though..
Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active? in incompatible browsers. function var hidden hidden Standards if hidden in document document.addEventListener visibilitychange..
jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed] Standards and Best Practice closed I ™m currently responsible for rolling.. would also be appreciated. EDIT Added a jQuery Coding Standards section on my own page http blog p 48 ..
JavaScript: How to find out width and height of viewpoint in browser window? getViewPortSize var viewportwidth var viewportheight Standards compliant browsers mozilla netscape opera IE7 if typeof window.innerWidth..
Javascript version in HTA but without x ua compatible meta tag HTAs are run in IE7 Standards mode which doesn't support object.defineProperty it's introduced..
How to edit a link within a contentEditable div caret is being placed at using window.getSelection for the Standards or document.selection for those IE people. The rest of the code.. selection if window.getSelection FF3.6 Safari4 Chrome5 DOM Standards selection getSelection node selection.anchorNode if node document.selection..
Does IE8 out-of-the-box have support for 'localStorage' console. At the top make sure that IE8 mode is selected. Standards mode would also be nice. One thing that you also want to make..
Should I write script in the body or the head of the html? [duplicate] class like .hide display none visibility hidden on the div Standards Note that the standards allow placement of the script blocks..
What are the most likely causes of Javascript errors in IE8? your page has no doctype page renders like IE5 did IE 7 Standards Mode you have a doctype but either opted out of IE8 standards.. or are running on localhost or in Compatibility Mode IE 8 Standards Mode you have a doctype and are on the INTRANET default mode.. you are running with a doctype set and thus in IE8 Standards mode the following changes have occurred. 1. document.getElementById..
Online HTML/CSS/Javascript learning reference alternative to w3schools? [closed] promotes the following more reputable sources Opera Web Standards Curriculum covers the basics of web standards based design in..
JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it's in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode? Similar to IE8 IE9 ™s Compatibility View will map to IE7 Standards Mode and IE9 ™s UA string when in Compatibility View will be..
How to detect Render Mode of browser for current page? 'Page was rendered in ' document.compatMode 'CSS1Compat' 'Standards' 'Quirks' ' Mode.' For IE8 var vMode document.documentMode var.. var rMode 'IE5 Quirks Mode' if vMode 8 rMode 'IE8 Standards Mode' else if vMode 7 rMode 'IE7 Strict Mode' alert 'Rendering.. by default behavior you'll need to be rendering in IE8 Standards Mode. This mode affects the rendering of your HTML CSS as well..
JS error 'redeclaration' of var when it's first line in program? error HTML1113 Document mode restart from Quirks to IE9 Standards This suggests that IE finds what it thinks is an error so loads..
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices to add a new section to my company's Front end Code Standards and Best Practices . I'd love to get as much feedback on this..
What are some of the best reference sites for HTML and JavaScript programming Dev Center DOM JavaScript JS Lang AJAX HTML XHTML SVG Standards MSDN HTML Elements IE HTML Reference CSS Attributes IE CSS Reference..