javascript Programming Glossary: statuscode
How to detect timeout on an AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) call in the browser? GET http false xmlHttp.send var statusCode xmlHttp.status Process it and I'd love to know if the request..
Capture redirect location of javascript XMLHttpRequest Example code .post my url that redirects function response statusCode xmlHttpRequest Somehow grab the location it redirected to In..
Node.js Error: Can't set headers after they are sent value as often as you want until you call res.writeHead statusCode . After writeHead the headers are baked in and you can only.. Finished state but some function tried to set a header or statusCode. When you see this error try to look for anything that tries.. must be in Head and remains in Head res.writeContinue res.statusCode 404 res.setHeader name value res.getHeader name res.removeHeader..
HTTP GET Request in Node.js Express res var output '' console.log ' ' res.statusCode res.setEncoding 'utf8' res.on 'data' function chunk output.. 'end' function var obj JSON.parse output onResult res.statusCode obj req.on 'error' function err res.send 'error ' err.message.. above and then do this. rest.getJSON options function statusCode result I could work with the result html json here. I could..
Override - Best Practice 'requestexception' function conn response options e var statusCode response.status errorText null captionText response.statusText.. 404 file or method not found special case if statusCode 404 Ext.MessageBox.alert 'Error 404' 'URL ' response.request.options.url.. response.responseText if captionText captionText 'Error ' statusCode Ext.MessageBox.alert captionText errorText object Then just..