javascript Programming Glossary: startpos
Insert text on the current place of the cursor in the browser if myField.selectionStart myField.selectionStart '0' var startPos myField.selectionStart var endPos myField.selectionEnd myField.value.. myField.value myField.value.substring 0 startPos myValue myField.value.substring endPos myField.value.length..
How to get selected text from textbox control with javascript version else if textComponent.selectionStart undefined var startPos textComponent.selectionStart var endPos textComponent.selectionEnd.. selectedText textComponent.value.substring startPos endPos alert You selected selectedText Problem although the..
Need to set cursor position to the end of a contentEditable div, issue with selection and range objects Now get the cursor position information... var startPos userSelection.anchorOffset var endPos userSelection.focusOffset.. line. myField.textContent myField.textContent.substring 0 startPos myValue myField.textContent.substring endPos myField.textContent.length..
Selecting Part of String inside an Input Box with jQuery type text javascript function setInputSelection input startPos endPos input.focus if typeof input.selectionStart undefined.. input.selectionStart undefined input.selectionStart startPos input.selectionEnd endPos else if document.selection document.selection.createRange.. range.moveEnd character endPos range.moveStart character startPos window.onload function setInputSelection document.getElementById..
Best way to parse HTML in Javascript html.replace ' m html body m ' ' ' alert somestring var startPos html.indexOf ' th class dataLayer colspan 5 ' var length ' th.. ' th tr EOF Data Layer ' var dataLayer html.substring startPos length endPos Getting the data headers startPos html.indexOf.. startPos length endPos Getting the data headers startPos html.indexOf ' tr class dataHeaders ' length ' tr class dataHeaders..
How to insert text at the current caret position in a textarea this.selectionStart '0' MOZILLA NETSCAPE support startPos this.selectionStart endPos this.selectionEnd scrollTop this.scrollTop.. scrollTop this.scrollTop this.value this.value.substring 0 startPos text this.value.substring endPos this.value.length this.focus.. endPos this.value.length this.focus this.selectionStart startPos text.length this.selectionEnd startPos text.length this.scrollTop..
Is there a version of JavaScript's String.indexOf() that allows for regular expressions? do the trick String.prototype.regexIndexOf function regex startpos var indexOf this.substring startpos 0 .search regex return indexOf.. function regex startpos var indexOf this.substring startpos 0 .search regex return indexOf 0 indexOf startpos 0 indexOf.. startpos 0 .search regex return indexOf 0 indexOf startpos 0 indexOf String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf function regex startpos..