javascript Programming Glossary: serious
Where should I declare JavaScript files used in my page? In <head></head> or near </body>? this will result in the fastest page load it has some serious downsides. Firstly a common idiom with Webpage development is..
Defining methods via prototype vs using this in the constructor - really a performance difference? some arbitrary animation for example. If performance is a serious concern and you'd like to micro optimise then I would suggest..
OO Javascript constructor pattern: neo-classical vs prototypal language on the planet. And that it is broken in many serious ways. The most surprising statement he made for me was new is..
“Access is denied” JavaScript error when trying to access the document object of a programmatically-created <iframe> (IE-only) it in this iframe . I have this working fine with one serious exception if the document.domain property is set in the parent..
How to profile and and get Javascript performance [duplicate] may not restart the browser so browser memory leaks may be serious. Some JavaScript code is known to cause memory leaks on certain..
Which Stack Overflow-style Markdown (WMD) JavaScript editor should I use? editor some with a few basic enhancements and some with serious differences from the Stack Overflow one. Since this will be.. doesn't require MooTools which is a plus over the other serious contender mooWMD . I ended up implementing the functionality..
Javascript troubleshooting tools in IE error and then uninstall. Some Microsoft tools take some serious download and configuration time. Any ideas javascript internet..
Is there a Javascript MVC (micro-)framework? [closed] the model changes Ajax comet jsonp and all that jazz are serious overkill. I edited this post to say say micro framework. javascript..
How to access accelerometer/gyroscope data from Javascript? if you need to use the data for something slightly more serious you will have to get familiar with the units of the values provided..
Why does Internet Explorer not send HTTP post body on Ajax call after failure? way. Is it simply a bug Surely this creates havoc in any serious AJAX based Web application. Reference information There is a..
UserScripts & Greasemonkey: calling a website's JavaScript functions scripts directly into the page but this introduced serious security vulnerabilities. In the old model scripts ran with..
javaScript: Can a comma occur after the last set of values in an array? where you're at This is terrible you'll fall into deep and serious depressions . The disease also has a name evil comma of doom..
How are closures and scopes represented at run time in JavaScript
HTTP-Push (Comet/Reverse Ajax)using Silverlight to Javascript bridge? share improve this question You'll have some serious scalability problems and it's a royal pain to implement. See..
Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript? if this is possible but if anyone has done it within a serious project or product . I'm guessing it would be possible using..
How to set the prototype of a JavaScript object that has already been instantiated? isn't already dead. It's important enough that it's been a serious discussion point in the formulation of Harmony or soon to be..
create a file using javascript in chrome on client side I have seen posts that specifically tell me that it is a serious security issue. javascript google chrome javascript events..
Why is document.write considered a “bad practice”? share improve this question A few of the more serious problems document.write henceforth DW does not work in XHTML..
How can I use JavaScript within an Excel macro? assumed to have the same number of row I don't have any serious error checking going on here. Public Sub DiffAndFormat ByRef..