javascript Programming Glossary: serif
Is the Gideon Sundback zipper doodle[Google,24th April] completely javascript? #444 e.textAlign center e.font bold 11px Arial sans serif e.fillText a b 2 g 2 3 return i N function a b var g document.createElement..
how to use iscroll javascript in phone gap? width 100 margin 0 auto font family Arial Helvetica sans serif .header float left height 100 min height 100 margin 0 width..
When does the browser execute Javascript? How does the execution cursor move? Page title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function addScript var str..
Is there a way to curve / arc text using CSS3 / Canvas 300 ctx cnv.getContext 2d ctx.font bold 12px sans serif text abcdefghijklm for i 0 i text.length i ctx.fillText text..
Get Image dimensions using Javascript during file upload Locally title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function loadImage var input..
HTML5 File API read as text and binary Data title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function loadFile var input..
javascript file upload size validation Data title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style script type 'text javascript' function showFileSize var..
Changing background based on time of day (using javascript) font family Lucida Sans Unicode Lucida Grande sans serif font size 14px important I've written a javascript code that.. .post .quote span.quote big.quote font Bold 60px Georgia serif line height 8px vertical align 20px .post .quote span.source.. .twtr tweet text font 11px Verdana Arial Helvetica sans serif important .twtr tweet shell width 190 important Footer ..
Add padding at the beginning and end of each line of text margin 0 font size 42px font weight bold font family sans serif h3 .heading background color #000 color #00a3d0 h3 .subhead..
Google's Imageless Buttons 0 border width 0 overflow visible font 100 1.2 Arial Sans serif text decoration none color #333 html button.btn padding bottom..
Google Maps API v3 Event mouseover with InfoBox plugin center color #000 font family 'Georgia' 'Times New Roman' serif style script type text javascript src http
Input placeholders for Internet Explorer placeholder Hi Mom label style font 0.75em normal sans serif left 5px top 3px width 147px height 15px color rgb 186 186 186..
Clear icon inside input text now go with the styling cursor pointer font bold 1em sans serif color #38468F span.icon_clear hover color #f52 share improve..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow styles applied #message font family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index 105 text align..
How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs? notification h2 font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif font size 140 font weight bold margin bottom 7px And click here..
Set content of iframe color #f0eded color 74f503 font family Verdana Geneva sans serif background url getUrl style head body yahoo div style float.. color #f0eded color 74f503 font family Verdana Geneva sans serif background url url style yahoo div style float right pagecomment..
How can I detect which font was used in a web page? HTML. body font family Calibri Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif How can I detect which one of the defined fonts was used in..