javascript Programming Glossary: sequences
JavaScript Separating Axis Theorem the above. Represent your collision shapes polygons as sequences of Point and Edge instances. Hopefully this will get you started...
Decrypting with private key from .pem file in c# with .NET crypto library bt 0x00 return null all private key components are Integer sequences elems GetIntegerSize binr MODULUS binr.ReadBytes elems elems..
javascript regex of a javascript string u2028 u2029 . For the second rule which deals with escape sequences you can see before EscapeSequence as it appears in the regex...
Remember and Repopulate File Input probably platform dependent. It might be useful however in sequences of more than one transaction e.g. to avoid having the user prompted..
Javascript regex hangs (using v8) this question This catastrophically backtracks on long sequences of spaces that occur after the last closing tag main tag. Consider..
HTML5 File API read as text and binary that there won't be any attempt to interpret multi byte sequences as characters. You don't know that if you use readAsText because..
Serialize JSON to query string in JavaScript/jQuery function searches the given string for escape sequences and replaces them with the actual character. When given something.. this a 1 b 23 c te 40 23st If you don't want the escape sequences decodeURIComponent is used. The result using my original suggestion..
JavaScript strings outside of the BMP happily split surrogate pairs or hold invalid surrogate sequences. If you want surrogate aware methods I'm afraid you're going..
Pattern for Javascript Module Pattern and Sub-Module Initialization not terribly pleased with how I am handling initialization sequences in Javascript using the module submodule pattern. Let's say..
String length in bytes in JavaScript should work because of the way UTF 8 encodes multi byte sequences. The first encoded byte always starts with either a high bit..
Can someone decrypt this javascript improve this question Let's start by decoding the escape sequences and get rid of that _0x8dd5 variable name var x src script createElement..
javascript string compression with localStorage storage values as DOMString. DOMStrings are defined as sequences of 16 bit units using the UTF 16 encoding . So yes they stay..
XMLHttpRequest: Multipart/Related POST with XML and image as payload array and finally transmitted as an ArrayBuffer . The byte sequences are not touched on transmission per specification . The code..
How to convert large UTF-8 strings into ASCII? also replace the offending characters with safe escape sequences. escapable.lastIndex 0 return escapable.test string ' ' string.replace..
How to convert unicode in JavaScript? improve this question Those are Unicode character escape sequences in a JavaScript string. As far as JavaScript is concerned they..