javascript Programming Glossary: sensitivity
open and close modal window on hover and close when out of focus your hoverIntent custom script .mini view .hoverIntent sensitivity 7 interval 500 timeout 0 over openFancybox out closeFancybox.. 'overlayShow' false 'autoScale' true .hoverIntent sensitivity 7 interval 500 timeout 0 over openFancybox out closeFancybox..
Convert a number to the shortest possible character string while retaining uniqueness alphanumerical characters but if you want to exploit case sensitivity Base 62 would be approximately 20 more compact. For Base 36..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? null ' This brought up another question When is case sensitivity important in JSON requests to ASP.NET web services ASMX c#..
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? 2 aug 2012 See TJ Ellis's helpful comments below re case sensitivity and preserving original selection. Mozilla's sort documentation..
Risk of using contentEditable in IE may or may not bite you. These include incompatible case sensitivity incompatible methods of turning it off again removeAttribute..
javascript compare strings without being case sensitive I have to check some strings using JavaScript but case sensitivity is causing problems. for example if 'abc' 'ABC' return true..