javascript Programming Glossary: sentence
regular expression For Arabic Language want to write regular expression that match each word in a sentence My regular expression b w b Result While it works well with..
What Options Are There for Cross-Browser Compatible Audio? src mymedia.mp3 type audio mpeg Update your browser This sentence is fallback content for browsers that do not support the audio..
What is the major difference between a framework and a toolkit? [closed] tools for code generation. This sits well with my first sentence as it generates code in a certain style pattern. Library gives..
Javascript Function and Form Name conflict function was created. Stop Here Re read that last sentence. This is known as the scope chain the chain will be as deep..
Calling a Javascript function in the C# webBrowser control and a Button. The object called y in the end has the sentence i did it . So with me it works. public partial class Form1 Form..
No ways to have class-based objects in javascript? private variables directly... And I agree my title first sentence was misleading regarding the issue I wanted to discuss here...
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android elaborate on his answer this is an example on how to set a sentence in plain text and then display a formatted equation in display..
What exactly does “closure” refer to in JavaScript? improve this question From JavaScript Closures Two one sentence summaries A closure is the local variables for a function kept..
Convert a date to string in Javascript the format of the string since I want to embed it in a sentence. I want to be able to insert arbitrary on's and at's and have..
JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser) all previous formatting is lost. For example I can write a sentence in the editor and make it bold but when I paste new text all..
Browser event when downloaded file is saved to disk the first commenter with the answer since his first sentence had what I was looking for. Thanks all. javascript browser..
changing text periodically in a span from an array with jquery from an array with jquery I have a span eg p Here is a sentence span id rotate this span is what changes p and I'd like the..
Why does typeof NaN return 'number'? Reading answers and the wiki I understood more but still a sentence like A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result..
Selected text event trigger in Javascript Update To be more clear text fragment can be part of a sentence or a word or a phrase or whole a paragraph. javascript jquery..
Android webview: highlight a specific word in a page using javascript? it is possible to highlight or underline a specific word sentence paragraph in a loaded page using code done in javascript thanks..
unterminated string literal li Complete the Sentence Grammar li li Spot error Correct sentence Grammar sentence construction li li Sentence Ordering Comprehension.. Grammar li li Spot error Correct sentence Grammar sentence construction li li Sentence Ordering Comprehension skills li..
webkit executesql sentence and loop problem executesql sentence and loop problem I'm trying to use loop variable in executeSql..
IndexedDB Fuzzy Search the query speed in Firefox. With WebSQL I have this sentence db.transaction function tx var SQL 'SELECT column1 column2..
Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on() using the jQuery .on method . Specifically the last sentence in this paragraph When a selector is provided the event handler..