javascript Programming Glossary: serializer
Backbone.js - How to use a custom model property in a template? and it might get upset about that. You could add another serializer specifically for templates `serialize` is another common name..
Custom JavaScriptConverter for DateTime? string object Serialize object obj JavaScriptSerializer serializer Dictionary string object result new Dictionary string object.. string object dictionary Type type JavaScriptSerializer serializer if dictionary.ContainsKey DateTime return new DateTime long.Parse.. by creating a custom converter and registering it with the serializer. If you have a class called Person we could create a converter..
How to make embedded hasMany relationships work with ember data buit ember data from master 2 My adapter RESTAdapter 3 The serializer JSONSerializer 4 I added 'App.Join' columns..
Ember data saving a relationship relationships is handled by the addHasMany method of json_serializer.js . The following note is included in the source code The default.. App.Store DS.Store.extend adapter DS.RESTAdapter.extend serializer DS.RESTSerializer.extend init function this._super App.Store DS.Store.extend adapter DS.RESTAdapter.extend serializer DS.RESTSerializer.extend addHasMany function hash record key..
What is the best way to serialize SVG from the client DOM? 'svg_root' or whatever you call it var serializer new XMLSerializer var str serializer.serializeToString svg From.. you call it var serializer new XMLSerializer var str serializer.serializeToString svg From there you can send it to the server..
jQuery DataTables server-side processing using ASP.NET WebForms .Skip iDisplayStart Paging .Take iDisplayLength var serializer new JavaScriptSerializer var json serializer.Serialize result.. var serializer new JavaScriptSerializer var json serializer.Serialize result context.Response.ContentType application json.. p.Name .Skip iDisplayStart .Take iDisplayLength var serializer new JavaScriptSerializer var json serializer.Serialize result..
How to parse JSON to receive a Date object in JavaScript? is a result of this .NET code var obj DateTime.Now var serializer new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer.Serialize.. new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer.Serialize obj .Dump Now the problem I am facing is how to create..
How to flatten an ExpandoObject returned via JsonResult in mvc? string object dictionary Type type JavaScriptSerializer serializer throw new NotImplementedException public override IDictionary.. string object Serialize object obj JavaScriptSerializer serializer var result new Dictionary string object var dictionary obj.. typeof System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject Using converter var serializer new JavaScriptSerializer serializer.RegisterConverters new JavaScriptConverter..
ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Date Format I've heard that there is a setting somewhere to get the serializer to output DateTime objects with the new Date xxx syntax. I'll..
assign C# string of array or string[] to javascript array class onecol System.Web.UI.Page JavaScriptSerializer serializer public static string test 'animal' 'lovely' public static string.. check protected void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e serializer new JavaScriptSerializer serializer this.detail.ToolsFile BasicTools.xml.. sender EventArgs e serializer new JavaScriptSerializer serializer this.detail.ToolsFile BasicTools.xml test returnTitle and the..