javascript Programming Glossary: select
How to get the selected value of dropdownlist using JavaScript? to get the selected value of dropdownlist using JavaScript How do I get the selected.. value of dropdownlist using JavaScript How do I get the selected value from a dropdown list using JavaScript I have tried the.. tried the methods below but each of them only returns the selected index instead of the value. var as document.form1.ddlViewBy.value..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? document.getElementById #id or any other DOM method jQuery selector not finding the elements javascript jquery dom getelementbyid.. querySelector and any other DOM method that selects elements. Possible Reasons There are two reasons why an element.. will return null . jQuery The same applies to all selectors with jQuery. jQuery won't find elements if you misspelled..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content task of manually initializing each plugin listview button select etc. . With this in mind lets discuss enhancement levels. There.. ' type radio ' .checkboxradio or if you want to select deselect another Radiobox Checkbox element input type 'radio'.. ' type radio ' .checkboxradio or if you want to select deselect another Radiobox Checkbox element input type 'radio' .eq 0 .attr..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? name var oForm document.forms myform var oSelectBox oForm.select3 var iChoice oSelectBox.selectedIndex alert you have choosen.. myform var oSelectBox oForm.select3 var iChoice oSelectBox.selectedIndex alert you have choosen oSelectBox.options iChoice .text.. id hidden1 form php salarieid _POST 'hidden1' query select from salarie where salarieid . salarieid echo query result mysql_query..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript cross browser JavaScript The standard JavaScript way to select an element is using document.getElementById Id which is what..
How do I select text nodes with jQuery? do I select text nodes with jQuery I would like to get all descendant text..
Using HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take screenshots Google's Report a Bug or Feedback Tool lets you select an area of your browser window to create a screenshot that is..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php setup some local variables var form this let's select and cache all the fields var inputs form.find input select button.. select and cache all the fields var inputs form.find input select button textarea serialize the data in the form var serializedData..
Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after) using jQuery e.g. before and after Is there any way to select manipulate CSS pseudo elements such as before and after using..
JavaScript open in a new window, not tab open in a new window not tab I have a select box that calls url when an item is selected. Firefox.. a select box that calls url when an item is selected. Firefox will open the page in a new tab by default. However..
Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful? run into a rather nasty bug wherein the code was loading a select dynamically via JavaScript. This dynamically loaded select had.. select dynamically via JavaScript. This dynamically loaded select had a pre selected value. In IE6 we already had code to fix.. via JavaScript. This dynamically loaded select had a pre selected value. In IE6 we already had code to fix the selected option..
How to move cursor to end of contenteditable entity invisible range.selectNodeContents contentEditableElement Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse.. collapse to end rather than the start selection window.getSelection get the selection object allows you to change selection selection.removeAllRanges.. invisible range.moveToElementText contentEditableElement Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse..
Set cursor position on contentEditable <div> range Populates selection and range variables var captureSelection function e Don't capture selection outside editable region.. false isOrContainsFocus false sel window.getSelection parentAnchor sel.anchorNode parentFocus sel.focusNode while.. isOrContainsFocus return selection window.getSelection Get range standards if selection.getRangeAt undefined range..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content Enhancement example http Gajotres VAG6F Select menu Markup enhancement 'select' .selectmenu Enhancement example..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site SIZE label ... a class selectBox size dropdown mediumSelect footwear selectBox dropdown ... ... a span div Where the link.. ' targetShoeSize ' visible selectDesiredShoeSize STEP 2 Select desired shoe size. function selectDesiredShoeSize jNode Because..
Styling <input type=“file”> [duplicate]
How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery? one option and select it My select box is the following. Select id mySelect size 9 Select EDIT The following code was helpful.. and select it My select box is the following. Select id mySelect size 9 Select EDIT The following code was helpful with chaining... My select box is the following. Select id mySelect size 9 Select EDIT The following code was helpful with chaining. However in..
Select all contents of textbox when it receives focus (JavaScript or jQuery) all contents of textbox when it receives focus JavaScript or..
jQuery - setting the selected value of a select control via its text description option value 0 One option option value 1 Two option select Select by description for jQuery v1.6 var text1 'Two' select option.. in here return this .text text1 .prop 'selected' true Select by description for jQuery versions below 1.6 and greater than.. deprecated since 1.6. It will not work in jQuery 1.9 . Select by description for previous versions val should handle both..
How do I break a string across more than one line of code in JavaScript? being on a new line Something like.... 1. alert Please Select file 2. to delete javascript line breaks share improve this.. you can break the string into two pieces alert Please Select file to delete Or when it's a string as in your case you can.. you can use a backslash as @Gumbo suggested alert Please Select file to delete Note that this backslash approach is not necessarily..
Programmatically selecting partial text in an input field function var message document.getElementById 'message' Select a portion of text createSelection message 0 5 get the selected.. 'message' Select a portion of text createSelection message 0 5 get the selected portion of text var selectedText.. message.selectionEnd alert selectedText function createSelection field start end if field.createTextRange var selRange field.createTextRange..
How do I escape a string inside javascript inside an onClick handler? inside a link's onClick handler. Example a href # onclick SelectSurveyItem ' itemid ' ' itemname ' return false Select a The.. SelectSurveyItem ' itemid ' ' itemname ' return false Select a The itemid and itemname are where template substitution occurs... that are out of the usual whitelist. E.g. a href # onclick SelectSurveyItem ' JSEncode itemid ' ' JSEncode itemname ' return false..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents` WHERE `parent` 0 while data mysql_fetch_array.. mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents` WHERE `parent` . mysql_real_escape_string _GET..
How to get list of online friends using FQL with facebook API? in this case I consider online to mean active or idle SELECT uid FROM user WHERE online_presence IN 'active' 'idle' AND uid.. user WHERE online_presence IN 'active' 'idle' AND uid IN SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 user_id UPDATE Note that you need..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? result p p label for salarieids SalarieID label php query SELECT FROM salarie result mysql_query query if result select id salarieids.. my choice p form php if isset _POST 'salaried' php query SELECT FROM salarie WHERE salarieid . _POST 'salarieid' result mysql_query..
HTML <select> selected option background-color CSS style selected color For example HTML BODY FORM NAME form1 SELECT NAME mySelect SIZE 7 style background color red OPTION Test.. 3 OPTION Test 4 OPTION Test 5 OPTION Test 6 OPTION Test 7 SELECT FORM BODY HTML When I select an option it turns blue I want..
How can you programmatically tell an HTML SELECT to drop down (for example, due to mouseover)? can you programmatically tell an HTML SELECT to drop down for example due to mouseover How can you programmatically..
Readonly SELECT tag SELECT tag According to HTML specs the select tag in HTML doesn't.. input with the same name and value. If you reenable your SELECT you should copy it's value to the hidden input in an onchange..
Show select dropdown in jQuery? [duplicate] Duplicate How can you programmatically tell an HTML SELECT to drop down for example due to mouseover Is it possible to..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? var page_id 40796308305 coca cola var fql_query SELECT uid FROM page_fan WHERE page_id page_id and uid user_id var..
Google Chrome: JavaScript associative arrays, evaluated out of sequence box such as this select id ddl_sw name ddl_sw option value SELECT WEEK option option value 200911 11 2009 Fiscal 2009 option option.. var arr arr.push select id ddl_sw name ddl_sw option value SELECT WEEK option for var key in salesWeeks arr.push option value.. out all weird select id ddl_sw name ddl_sw option value SELECT WEEK option option value 200852 52 2008 Fiscal 2009 option option..
onchange event not fire when the change come from antoher function since gaining focus. This event is valid for INPUT SELECT and TEXTAREA. element. When you modify the text input's value..
How to connect to SQL server database from javascript? var rs new ActiveXObject ADODB.Recordset rs.Open SELECT FROM table connection rs.MoveFirst while rs.eof document.write..
html select scroll bar solid .scrollable select border none style 2. Wrap the SELECT inside a DIV also explicitly set the size to the number of options...
Posting comment to Facebook from JavaScript function response var commentQuery FB.Data.query 'SELECT text FROM comment WHERE post_fbid '' response.commentID ' '.. WHERE post_fbid '' response.commentID ' ' AND object_id IN SELECT comments_fbid FROM link_stat WHERE url '' response.href ' '.. when comment is created var commentQuery FB.Data.query 'SELECT fromid text FROM comment WHERE post_fbid '' response.commentID..