javascript Programming Glossary: seemingly
Calculate the bounding box's X, Y, Height and Width of a rotated element via JavaScript post rotation but thanks to the fact that the element is seemingly re rotated post move the resulting X Y differs from the set..
What's the difference between console.dir and console.log? using dir instead of log . My question is why do these two seemingly identical functions exist on console javascript google chrome..
find number of nodes between two elements with jquery? a little trouble figuring out a fast way to accomplish a seemingly simple task. Say I have the following html ul li One li li Two..
How can I add, remove, or swap jQuery validation rules from a page? do what I would have thought. It removes all validation seemingly permanently and the form submits without validation. Clearing..
User recognition without cookies or local storage point you may be thinking Why so much Math and Logic for a seemingly simple task Basically because it is not a simple task . What..
Javascript: Multiple mouseout events triggered issue I'm still unsure how to properly code the following seemingly simple behavior If I have an outer div and an inner div element..
Clean Microsoft Word Pasted Text using JavaScript piece converts line breaks into break tags and removes the seemingly endless crap code newString newString.replace n n g br .replace..
Why `null >= 0 && null <= 0` but not `null == 0`? is not 0. null 0 is evaluated to false. This makes the seemingly tautological expression v 0 v 0 v 0 false. Why is null like..
Sorting an array of objects in Chrome updated array is left unchanged. In Chrome their order is seemingly randomized. Run the code below in Chrome and any other browser.. I see 7 2 3 4 5 6 1 but in Chrome the inner numbers are seemingly randomized. EDIT Thank you very much to everyone who answered...
What anti-patterns exist for JavaScript? [closed] intermediate is the ability to select from among various seemingly equivalent ways of doing the same thing. So when it comes to..
Synchronous query to Web SQL Database thanks in advance for anyone who takes a crack at this seemingly tricky little problem. Naim P.S. Here's the client's implementation..
Get height of iframe with external URL the scrollbars are visible on the iframe but this is seemingly impossible in these circumstances. If anyone can prove me wrong..
Best Practice: Legitimate Cross-Site Scripting that my original script which outputs JavaScript accesses seemingly standard scripts on my server and converts their standard output..
What is the rationale for the behavior of the 'this' keyword in JavaScript? obscure cases. And yet it remains a heavily used and seemingly well respected part of the language in a time when other core..
:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar? in a similar way if it is touched in a mobile browser. The seemingly obvious thing to me was to use the CSS active pseudo class but..
JQuery Mobile .page() function causes infinite loop? populates it but when i call JQM's .page function on it it seemingly goes into an infinite loop where the listview is appended forever...
Mobile Web App not clearing cache properly into an issue while testing my code. Occasionally and seemingly at random the iPad will stop properly updating all of the JS.. anywhere except within the mobile web app window. Then seemingly at random again the problem is disappears sometimes it takes..