javascript Programming Glossary: selectionend
Is there an Internet Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd? Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd Finding out what's selected in real browsers is as simple as.. as var range start textbox.selectionStart end textbox.selectionEnd But IE as usual doesn't understand. What's the best cross browser.. len endRange if typeof el.selectionStart number typeof el.selectionEnd number start el.selectionStart end el.selectionEnd else range..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] ranges textarea and input selections selectionStart and selectionEnd are not implemented in IE and there's a proprietary ranges system..
IE's document.selection.createRange doesn't include leading or trailing blank lines textarea temp.setEndPoint EndToEnd sel selectionEnd temp.text.length selectionStart selectionEnd sel.text.length.. EndToEnd sel selectionEnd temp.text.length selectionStart selectionEnd sel.text.length Which works 99 of the time. The problem is that.. len endRange if typeof el.selectionStart number typeof el.selectionEnd number start el.selectionStart end el.selectionEnd else range..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd function transformTypedChar charStr return a g .test charStr.. start end if typeof this.selectionStart number typeof this.selectionEnd number Non IE browsers and IE 9 start this.selectionStart end.. IE browsers and IE 9 start this.selectionStart end this.selectionEnd this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end Move..
jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area functions function setSelectionRange input selectionStart selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange input.focus input.setSelectionRange.. input.focus input.setSelectionRange selectionStart selectionEnd else if input.createTextRange var range input.createTextRange.. range.collapse true range.moveEnd 'character' selectionEnd range.moveStart 'character' selectionStart function..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element value offsets 0 to selectionStart selectionStart to selectionEnd selectionEnd to end of string only the second span is meaninngful.. offsets 0 to selectionStart selectionStart to selectionEnd selectionEnd to end of string only the second span is meaninngful . Several.. Optional number Start offset. Default 0 @param selectionEnd Optional number End offset. Default selectionStart @param debug..