javascript Programming Glossary: selection
Set cursor position on contentEditable <div> DOM Range. var editable document.getElementById 'editable' selection range Populates selection and range variables var captureSelection.. 'editable' selection range Populates selection and range variables var captureSelection function e Don't capture.. variables var captureSelection function e Don't capture selection outside editable region var isOrContainsAnchor false isOrContainsFocus..
In JavaScript can I make a “click” event fire programmatically for a file input element? seem to do anything or at least it doesn't pop up a file selection dialog. I've been experimenting with capturing events using..
JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser) event handler In that handler save the current user selection add a textarea element off screen say at left 1000px to the.. the document turns designMode back on restores the user selection and pastes the text in. Note that this will only work for keyboard..
How do I get started with Node.js Node start here last A completely biased and incomplete selection of useful Node modules Other JSApp.US like jsfiddle but for..
How to get caret position in textarea? you get it to return the strings surrounding the cursor selection eg 'This is' '' ' a text' If the word is is highlighted then.. and other Gecko based browsers you can easily use textarea.selectionStart but for IE that doesn't work so you will have to do something.. to do something like this function getCaret node if node.selectionStart return node.selectionStart else if document.selection return..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box function e To be able to save the results of the current selection the value of the column property must contain at least the..
JavaScript property access: dot notation vs. brackets?
Can the jQuery UI Datepicker be made to disable Saturdays and Sundays (and holidays)? in function exists called noWeekends that prevents the selection of weekend days. .selector .datepicker beforeShowDay .datepicker.noWeekends..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div use the insertNode method of the Range you obtain from the selection. In IE 9 you can use pasteHTML as you mentioned. Below is a.. frag.appendChild node range.insertNode frag Preserve the selection if lastNode range range.cloneRange range.setStartAfter lastNode.. sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range else if document.selection document.selection.type Control IE 9 document.selection.createRange..
Dropdownlist width in IE that the dropbox is wide enough to display the longest selection possible. This makes my page look very ugly Is there any workaround..
What is define used for in Javascript (aside from the obvious) 'aloha jquery' 'aloha selection' function Aloha jQuery Selection Plugin It then goes on in that wrapper to define a bunch of..
What's the best way to set cursor/caret position? document.getElementById 'content_ifr' .contentDocument.getSelection to get the selection as a string but not a Selection Object.. to get the selection as a string but not a Selection Object that I can use getRangeAt 0 on. Making progress little..
How to set caret/cursor position in a contenteditable div between two divs. developer. This is not documented anywhere. The current Selection spec says nothing about it principally because no spec existed..
Web Page Source Annotation Tool shot Context Menu Appearance after selection of text 1 Selection context event fires when a selection of text is done by mouse.. with user defined tags HTML Code Before HTML Code After Selection Select a li text from output console of jsfiddle through context.. switch message Hanlde univ tag case univ if document.getSelection .baseNode null document.getSelection .baseNode.parentNode.innerHTML..
javascript user selection highlighting would like to just capture the Range object from the User Selection and surround it with a styled div like so function highlightSelection.. surround it with a styled div like so function highlightSelection var userSelection window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 highlightRange.. a styled div like so function highlightSelection var userSelection window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 highlightRange userSelection..
Clear Text Selection with JavaScript Text Selection with JavaScript Simple question which I can't find the answer.. jquery share improve this question if window.getSelection if window.getSelection .empty Chrome window.getSelection .empty.. this question if window.getSelection if window.getSelection .empty Chrome window.getSelection .empty else if window.getSelection..
Cross Browser Selection Range Library? Browser Selection Range Library Does any one know of any cross browser user selection.. off some of my tricks http project wrapSelection http 1020_text_selector_jquery_plugin.htm And.. templateElement var range sel rangy.getSelection var ranges sel.getAllRanges var textNodes textNode el i len..
jquery: select text event Example document.onselectionchange function console.log Selection changed Here's a simple example function selectCallback selectionParentElement.. var mouseOrKeyUpHandler if typeof window.getSelection undefined Non IE mouseOrKeyUpHandler function var sel window.getSelection.. Non IE mouseOrKeyUpHandler function var sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount 0 var range sel.getRangeAt 0 if range.toString..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection WebView Javascript getSelection I am having some trouble getting the selection from a WebView.. tried this JavaScript which works on the iPhone. Bu getSelection does not seem to work on the Android. function highlight colour.. function highlight colour var range sel if window.getSelection Non IE case sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt range..
Programatically select text in a contenteditable HTML element? . You can even select a specific range with ipt.setSelectionRange from to . My question is is there any way to do this in.. running doesn't work and nor does setSelectionRange . I can't find anything on the web about it but maybe I'm.. are DOM Range current spec is DOM Level 2 see also MDN and Selection which is being specified as part of a new Range spec MDN docs..
How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)? this question In most browsers you need the Range and Selection objects. You specify each of the selection boundaries as a node.. editable var range document.createRange var sel window.getSelection range.setStart el.childNodes 2 5 range.collapse true sel.removeAllRanges..
Javascript Text Selection Page Coordinates Text Selection Page Coordinates I have an question about getting the page.. jsFiddle http aSUSh 5 Code function getSelectionCoords var sel document.selection range var x 0 y 0 if sel if.. range.boundingLeft y range.boundingTop else if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt..
Select whole word with getSelection whole word with getSelection I want use the getSelection function to select words from articles.. whole word with getSelection I want use the getSelection function to select words from articles to a view box. Here is.. Javascript code function getSelected if window.getSelection return window.getSelection else if document.getSelection return..
How can I disable Text Selection temporarily using JavaScript? can I disable Text Selection temporarily using JavaScript this is a bit of a specific question..
Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks? [closed] Feature wise both jQuery and MooTools allow for easy DOM Selection and Manipulation jQuery '#someContainer div class~ dialog '..