javascript Programming Glossary: sel
Set cursor position on contentEditable <div> DOM Range. var editable document.getElementById 'editable' selection range Populates selection and range variables var captureSelection.. 'editable' selection range Populates selection and range variables var captureSelection function e Don't.. variables var captureSelection function e Don't capture selection outside editable region var isOrContainsAnchor false isOrContainsFocus..
Is there an Internet Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd? there an Internet Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd Finding out what's selected in.. Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd Finding out what's selected in real browsers is as.. for selectionStart and selectionEnd Finding out what's selected in real browsers is as simple as var range start textbox.selectionStart..
How can I highlight the text of the DOM Range object? can I highlight the text of the DOM Range object I select some text on the html page opened in firefox using mouse.. i create get the rangeobject corresponding to the selected text. userSelection window.getSelection var rangeObject.. the corresponding text.Ex p In this case the text selected will be highlighted properly because the selected text..
How to get caret position in textarea? you get it to return the strings surrounding the cursor selection eg 'This is' '' ' a text' If the word is is highlighted.. and other Gecko based browsers you can easily use textarea.selectionStart but for IE that doesn't work so you will have to.. to do something like this function getCaret node if node.selectionStart return node.selectionStart else if document.selection..
How to get selected text from textbox control with javascript to get selected text from textbox control with javascript I have a textbox.. a textbox and a link button. When I write some text then select some of them and then click the link button selected text.. then select some of them and then click the link button selected text from textbox must be show with a messagebox. How can..
Change CSS of selected text using Javascript CSS of selected text using Javascript I'm trying to make a javascript.. that will act as a highlighter changing the background of selected text on a webpage to yellow when the bookmarklet is pressed... is pressed. I'm using the following code to get the selected text and it works fine returning the correct string function..
contenteditable, set caret at the end of the text (cross-browser) undefined var range document.createRange range.selectNodeContents el range.collapse false var sel window.getSelection.. range.selectNodeContents el range.collapse false var sel window.getSelection sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range else.. el range.collapse false var sel window.getSelection sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range else if typeof document.body.createTextRange..
Get a range's start and end offset's relative to its parent container everyone a This is my home page a p Bye p div And the user selects home with his mouse. I want to be able to determine how.. be able to determine how many characters into #parent his selection starts and how many characters from the end of #parent.. starts and how many characters from the end of #parent his selection ends . This should work even if he selects an HTML tag...
Full text search in HTML ignoring tags / & window.find window.getSelection document.designMode on var sel window.getSelection sel.collapse document.body 0 while window.find.. document.designMode on var sel window.getSelection sel.collapse document.body 0 while window.find text document.execCommand.. text document.execCommand HiliteColor false yellow sel.collapseToEnd document.designMode off else if document.body.createTextRange..
Highlight text range using JavaScript object but without success. Thanks in advance javascript selection textrange share improve this question Below is a function.. improve this question Below is a function to set the selection to a pair of character offsets within a particular element... for that. You can use my function below to set the selection and then call document.execCommand . You'll need to make..
How to get selected(user-highlighted) text in contenteditable element and replace it? to get selected user highlighted text in contenteditable element and replace.. element div p ... and I need to do two things with selected user highlighted text Get the actual html which is selected.. user highlighted text Get the actual html which is selected Replace the selected html with my own html Is there a way..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div use the insertNode method of the Range you obtain from the selection. In IE 9 you can use pasteHTML as you mentioned. Below.. to do this in all major browsers. If content is already selected it is replaced so this is effectively a paste operation... jwvha 1 Code function pasteHtmlAtCaret html var sel range if window.getSelection IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection..
Prevent text selection after double click text selection after double click I'm handling the dblclick event on.. span in my web app. A side effect is that the double click selects text on the page. How can I prevent this selection from.. click selects text on the page. How can I prevent this selection from happening javascript selection object share improve..