javascript Programming Glossary: sel.type
Calculate width & height of the selected text (javascript) var sel document.selection range var x 0 y 0 if sel if sel.type Control range sel.createRange range.collapse true x range.boundingLeft.. document.selection range var width 0 height 0 if sel if sel.type Control range sel.createRange width range.boundingWidth height..
jquery: select text event mouseOrKeyUpHandler function var sel document.selection if sel.type Text var textRange sel.createRange if textRange.text selectCallback..
Get a range's start and end offset's relative to its parent container preCaretRange.toString .length else if sel doc.selection sel.type Control var textRange sel.createRange var preCaretTextRange..
Inserting text into an editable IFRAME at the caret position (IE) var sel iframe.contentWindow.document.selection if sel.type None selectedRange sel.createRange iframe.contentWindow.attachEvent..
Editing Iframe Content in IE - problem in maintaining text selection function win var sel win.document.selection return sel.type None sel.createRange null restoreSelection function win savedSelection..
How to get caret position within contenteditable div with html child elements? 8 saveSelection function var sel document.selection return sel.type None sel.createRange null restoreSelection function savedSelection..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div sel.addRange range else if sel document.selection sel.type Control IE 9 var originalRange sel.createRange originalRange.collapse..
Javascript Text Selection Page Coordinates var sel document.selection range var x 0 y 0 if sel if sel.type Control range sel.createRange range.collapse true x range.boundingLeft..
Get parent element of a selected text parentEl.parentNode else if sel document.selection sel.type Control parentEl sel.createRange .parentElement return parentEl..
Select whole word with getSelection extend direction 0 word else if sel document.selection sel.type Control var textRange sel.createRange if textRange.text textRange.expand..
determine the frame id/name when a user has selected text in that frame- the page has multiple frames win.getSelection else if sel win.document.selection if sel.type Text return sel.createRange .text return function getIframeWithSelection..
How to know if selected text is inside a specific div false return true else if sel document.selection sel.type Control return isOrContains sel.createRange .parentElement el..
designMode iFrame Get Cursor Position preCaretRange.toString .length else if sel doc.selection sel.type Control range doc.selection.createRange preCaretRange doc.body.createTextRange..
WYSIWYG editor for IE [closed] window.getSelection else if sel document.selection sel.type Text selectedText sel.createRange .text return selectedText.. foo.png ' getSelectedText span if sel document.selection sel.type Control sel.createRange .pasteHTML html else document.execCommand..