javascript Programming Glossary: ru
GeoLocation API PY South America QA Asia RE Africa RO Europe RS Europe RU Europe RW Africa SA Asia SB Australia SC Africa SD Africa SE..
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript pl PL yyyy MM dd pt BR d M yyyy ro RO dd.MM.yyyy ru RU dd.MM.yyyy hr HR d.M.yyyy sk SK d. M. yyyy sq AL yyyy MM dd.. ky KG dd.MM.yy sw KE M d yyyy uz Latn UZ dd MM yyyy tt RU dd.MM.yyyy pa IN dd MM yy gu IN dd MM yy ta IN dd MM yyyy te.. yy wo SN dd MM yyyy rw RW M d yyyy qut GT dd MM yyyy sah RU MM.dd.yyyy gsw FR dd MM yyyy co FR dd MM yyyy oc FR dd MM yyyy..
fitbounds() in Google maps api V3 does not fit bounds new google.maps.Geocoder geocoder.geocode 'address' 'RU' function results status var ne results 0 .geometry.viewport.getNorthEast..
Encoding conversation UTF-8 to 1251 in javascript Ideas EDIT2 got it utf8 to 1251 converter 1 byte format RU EN support only any other symbols by drgluck function utf8_decode..