javascript Programming Glossary: risks
When is JavaScript's eval() not evil? hidden dangers just like everything else but the two big risks the reason why eval is considered evil are performance and code..
Remember and Repopulate File Input kinky_stuff image.ext . I did not even talk about the risks while transmitting the data even 'encrypted' via https or 'safe'..
Inline jQuery script not working within AJAX call an AJAX hit is not executed by the browser due to security risks. I recommend you include the necessary javascript code in your..
Javascript library: to obfuscate or not to obfuscate - that is the question obfuscator. I would like to know How can I manage those risks being able to debug faulty code ensuring minimizing against..
Get height of iframe with external URL an iframe inside a different domain's page . The specific risks depend entirely on the nature of the embedded site being attacked..
build a chrome extension in order to upload images (from clipboard) is really discouraged since it poses additional security risks to users. And it requires manual review for submission and a..
What are the risks of letting users upload and run Javascript are the risks of letting users upload and run Javascript If you have say.. only allowing JS and HTML what are the potential security risks and pitfalls One unlikely possibility is that if the games are..
Possible to find out whether a user is logged into facebook over javascript API? identifies security risks in Google and Facebook that will allow you to determine if a..
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame in Google Chrome switch at startup. You can find more information on the risks associated with local origins described here http
What is meant by ?œleaking??into global scope? globally scoped variables but you can reduce the above risks by using asynchronous loaders and defining modules made available..
Fastest DOM insertion days that the speed gains of innerHTML do not justify the risks for anything but the largest of insertions iteration batches...
How can I allow my user to insert HTML code, without risks? (not only technical risks) can I allow my user to insert HTML code without risks not only technical risks I developed a web application that.. user to insert HTML code without risks not only technical risks I developed a web application that permits my users to manage..
How does Facebook show browser loading progress during AJAX Page Loads? This technique JSONP can expose your site to security risks if you're not careful because cross site requests are allowed...