javascript Programming Glossary: rewriting
Why aren't PHP files used for (custom) CSS and JS? usually this technique is used in combination with URL rewriting which means the browser can't tell the difference between a.. as a different URL and skip the cached version. Set up URL rewriting so that the script's URL has a .css extension some browsers..
What will be a good minimalistic Javascript inheritance method? be a good minimalistic Javascript inheritance method I'm rewriting a JavaScript project and I want to be able to use object oriented..
Injecting a mock into an AngularJS service module e.g. beforeEach module mockNavigationService and rewriting the service definition as function MyService http fooService..
jQuery on the fly URL shortener URL in the text area. Thoughts javascript jquery url rewriting url shortener share improve this question Here is..
How to embed Javascript widget that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment But before I go down that road which will involve mostly rewriting my widget code I wanted to ask for advice first. The basic skeleton..
Cross browser AJAX function to dynamically load HTML the code in both looks very similar and takes little rewriting to change libraries. JQuery Tutorials Just head on down to the..
Refresh a Div that has a Google ad inside it a violation of the spirit of the rule. For example imagine rewriting your entire app to stop using AJAX. That's clearly a worse experience..
How to remove the space between inline-block elements? question Since this answer has become rather popular I'm rewriting it significantly. Let's not forget the actual question that..
console.log.apply not working in IE9 and Array.prototype.forEach in your code or rewriting the above snippet to incorporate the techniques used by those..
JavaScript - Is it possible to view all currently scheduled timeouts? share improve this question how about simply rewriting the setTimeout function to sort of inject custom logging functionality..
Why is PhoneGap Android app crashing while inserting bunch of data into SQL? you should be able to find a way to avoid the 512 limit by rewriting your code to build up a query string outside of the scope of..
Enabling back/fwd key events for an Ajax Application to reload the page. javascript javascript events url rewriting hashchange share improve this question I don't know of any..
Ways to detect CTRL-N or when a user opens a new window than one window open on it Well commiserations and happy rewriting. In the meantime about all you can do is tell the user œplease..
Sencha Touch Vs Backbone.js [closed] function scope '' Support namespace rewriting for example if you need to run two versions of the same set..
Modify the URL without reloading the page page2.php sadly this reloads javascript html url url rewriting friendly url share improve this question This can now be..
Grey boxes appear in parts of embedded Google Map in modal box that you are resizing after the modal is shown without rewriting any plugins '#map modal' .on 'shown' function google.maps.event.trigger..
Is it possible to emulate non-enumerable properties? share improve this question You can do it via code rewriting. Rewrite every use of for p in o body to for p in o if ^__notenum_..
Play mp3 file using javascript a solution that doesn't use jQuery I will point out that rewriting this to not use jQuery is trivial. It's just longer and less..