javascript Programming Glossary: revert
Create and access SVG tag with jQuery? the main canvas. '#testBtnDrag' .draggable opacity 0.7 revert 'invalid' cursorAt top 0 left 0 helper function event var dragSVG..
BackboneJS Rendering Problems ItemView BaseView.extend stage function this. el.draggable revert invalid helper clone unstage function this. el.draggable 'destroy'..
how to enable default after event.preventDefault()? document.ontouchmove function e e.preventDefault now to revert it to the original situation do the below... document.ontouchmove..
Meteor.js deploy to “” or “”? in and other hosted in . Can I revert one of the deploys Which one should I revert If not what kind.. . Can I revert one of the deploys Which one should I revert If not what kind of configs should I set on my domain provider..
YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing also be noted that once the API has been fixed you should revert any code back to the documented method even though this will..
Intercepting call to the back button in my AJAX application: I don't want it to do anything! your JavaScript detect when the user hit back so you can revert state . All you do is watch the window location and see when..
show/hide html table columns using css be display table cell . Allowing table display to revert to default rather than setting it explicitly avoids problems..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript like iPhone iPad Android. So on those devices I'd like to revert to tap to show the info panel. javascript jquery iphone android..
How to load local script files as fallback in cases where CDN are blocked/unavailable? 1.7 jquery.validate.min.js For each one how can I revert to using local copy in the instance where it may be blocked..
Using HTML5 pushState() in IE9 needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality. share improve..
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame in Google Chrome applies only to file URLs and you can force Chrome to revert to a single local origin like other browsers by passing the..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality. Backbone.js..
Emulate/polyfill history.pushstate() in IE needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality. IE upto and..
What is the ProgId or CLSID for IE9's Javascript engine (code-named “Chakra”) Classes Chakra OLEScript and to unexpose Chakra or revert the registry I did this Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00..
execute javascript when printing page button can handle your JavaScript call window.print and revert the changes function printMe perform changes window.print revert.. the changes function printMe perform changes window.print revert changes The window.print method always blocks in every browser.. in every browser I've tested so it's safe to immediately revert the changes afterward. However if the user choose to print via..
Just disable scroll not hide it? content is not scrollable. When you close the overlay just revert these properties with body position static overflow y auto I..
Validate html text input as it's typed possible to validate the new value in the callback then revert to the old one if invalid. However besides requiring polling..