javascript Programming Glossary: rtl
Is the Gideon Sundback zipper doodle[Google,24th April] completely javascript? d if H W J.v 0 A c W J.w 0 A d if H var g l l.q.dir rtl W 57 z g W J.C 57 z g g j.createRadialGradient.. m a e 42 b 0 e e b a a b b l.q.dir rtl relative b left..
use text-align smartly (if english dir=ltr if arabic dir=rtl) text align smartly if english dir ltr if arabic dir rtl I have a community web.. text align smartly if english dir ltr if arabic dir rtl I have a community web site and I want that users write English.. to post when i read it from data base post load in rtl or ltr but i don't know how javascript html css internationalization..
“Scroll” to the very right of a long text input make use of the dir direction attribute which you set to rtl right to left . E.g. input dir rtl value http which you set to rtl right to left . E.g. input dir rtl value http questions 1962168 scroll to the..
jquery not working in wordpress 60 remaining no noinfo no buffer 5 checkpolicy no rtl no bg dcf2fa text 333333 leftbg dcf2fa lefticon 333333 volslider..
Getting actual height of an auto-heighted element in IE repeat x #content height 80 width 960px direction rtl margin top 50px margin left auto margin right auto position..
Text-overflow ellipsis on left side ellipsis width 170px border 1px solid #999 direction rtl text align left HTML p first second third br second third fourth..
use text-align smartly (if english dir=ltr if arabic dir=rtl) LTR text align left and Arabic posts with direction RTL text align right. E.g. Google and twitter provides such an POST.. to create a function that has all the letters you know are RTL and check when loading. To display RTL you need the CSS attributes.. you know are RTL and check when loading. To display RTL you need the CSS attributes direction text align and unicode..
JavaScript: how to check if character is RTL? how to check if character is RTL How can I programmatically check if the browser treats some.. check if the browser treats some character as RTL in JavaScript Maybe creating some transparent DIV and looking.. Unicode 5.2 support it treats characters like U 10B00 as RTL currently only Firefox does . Otherwise it treats these characters..
What Cross-Browser issues have you faced? [closed] an element by name when using getElementBy Id . When in an RTL locale Arabic Hebrew etc. Firefox implements text align right..
Text-overflow ellipsis on left side it from rendering properly when a document is mixed RTL and LTR. That was all I really needed from the outset I just..