javascript Programming Glossary: rs
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript side libary as the example of include works here http jquery transform . The code works in IE but still.. is. The XSL that is being brought in as an object is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 xsl stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns xsl http.. object is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 xsl stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns xsl http 1999 XSL Transform xmlns rs..
IndexedDB Fuzzy Search Fuzzy Search Ok first of all sorry for my English. I'm working in a web project that.. DESC LIMIT 6' tx.executeSql SQL searchTerm ' ' function tx rs Process code here I want to do same thing with IndexedDB and.. 'readonly' .objectStore 'table' .index 'sortcolumn' .openCursor null 'prev' .onsuccess function e e e event var cursor
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces XML parsing with namespaces I'm new to jQuery and would like to parse.. with namespaces I'm new to jQuery and would like to parse an xml document. I'm able to parse regular XML with the default.. and would like to parse an xml document. I'm able to parse regular XML with the default namespaces but with xml such as..
How to connect to SQL server database from javascript? Provider SQLOLEDB connection.Open connectionstring var rs new ActiveXObject ADODB.Recordset rs.Open SELECT FROM table.. connectionstring var rs new ActiveXObject ADODB.Recordset rs.Open SELECT FROM table connection rs.MoveFirst while rs.eof.. ADODB.Recordset rs.Open SELECT FROM table connection rs.MoveFirst while rs.eof document.write rs.fields 1 rs.movenext..