

javascript Programming Glossary: mutationobserver

Can you have a javascript hook trigger after a DOM element's style object changes?


Edit 1 Handle multiple elements Ordered the conditions as MutationObserver DOMAttrModified and onpropertychange for better implementation... Tested in FF 12 Chrome 19 and IE 7. function function var MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver window.MozMutationObserver.. 19 and IE 7. function function var MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver window.MozMutationObserver function..

When are MutationObserver callbacks fired?


are MutationObserver callbacks fired I know that MutationObservers callbacks may.. are MutationObserver callbacks fired I know that MutationObservers callbacks may get called sometime after the DOM change. But.. setZeroTimeout defined here var target document.body new MutationObserver function mutations console.log 'MutationObserver' .observe target..

How to bind bootstrap popover on dynamic elements


with new element. Demo Another recommended way is to use MutationObserver instead of MutationEvent according to MDN but again support.. in some browsers are unknown and performance a concern. MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver create.. unknown and performance a concern. MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver create an observer instance var..

Auto resize iframe height when the height of the iframe contents change (same domain)


var myIframe '#myIframe' var myIframe myIframe 0 var MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver myIframe.addEventListener.. var myIframe myIframe 0 var MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver myIframe.addEventListener 'load'.. var MutationObserver window.MutationObserver window.WebKitMutationObserver myIframe.addEventListener 'load' function setIframeHeight var..

How to wait until an element exists?


of performance issues the recommended approach is to use a MutationObserver to watch the DOM. It's only supported in newer browsers though.. though so you should fall back onto DOMNodeInserted when MutationObserver isn't available. var observer new MutationObserver function.. when MutationObserver isn't available. var observer new MutationObserver function mutations mutations.forEach function mutation if mutation.addedNodes..

Chrome Extension: fire an event when element created?


using it may break at any time. One should use the new MutationObserver API which is also more efficient. The mutation summary library.. Example usage Create an observer instance var observer new MutationObserver function mutations mutations.forEach function mutation console.log..