javascript Programming Glossary: msxml2.xmlhttp
Max length of send() data param on XMLHttpRequest Post function createXMLHttpRequest try return new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try return new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch..
JavaScript: Which should I use, Microsoft.XMLHTTP or Msxml2.XMLHTTP? Which should I use Microsoft.XMLHTTP or Msxml2.XMLHTTP There are two progid's. I've seen both used. Anyone have any..
INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11 new XMLHttpRequest function return new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP function return new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP for var..
Load jQuery in a js, then execute a script that depends on it XMLHttpRequest catch e Other IE xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP 'GET' url false x.send '' eval xmlhttp.responseText..
Cross browser AJAX function to dynamically load HTML if IE try page_request new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try page_request new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
How to download a file on clicking the name of file using PHP? script function Inint_AJAX try return new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e IE try return new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch..
Relative Path Problems in Javasvript Ajax call! 'XMLHttpRequest not working' try return new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e alert 'Msxml2.XMLHTT not working' try return new ActiveXObject..
How to make an AJAX request to post JSON data and process the response XMLHttpRequest catch e try ajaxRequest new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try ajaxRequest new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
Open webpage and parse it using JavaScript else if ua.indexOf 'msie 5' 1 req new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP else req new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP Or use a library.....
How to call a PHP function in JavaScript? AjaxCaller var xmlhttp false try xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch..
Updating a MySql database using PHP via an onClick javascript function catch e Internet Explorer try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP return xmlHttp..
NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101 if window.ActiveXObject IE try xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch..
Call php function from javascript new XMLHttpRequest catch e IE try req new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try an older version try req new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
Get value from AJAX using Javascript and ASP catch e newer IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e older IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
get values on server-side sent with [duplicate] catch e newer IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e older IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
Javascript: Find browser windows open with the same domain catch error1 try request new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch error2 request new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP ..