javascript Programming Glossary: moz
input type=file show only button alpha opacity 0 o transform translate 250px 50px scale 1 moz transform translate 300px 0 scale 4 direction ltr cursor pointer..
How can I scale an entire web page with CSS? Zoom bugzilla item here but you could use the proprietary moz transform property in Firefox 3.5 . So you could use div.zoomed.. in Firefox 3.5 . So you could use div.zoomed zoom 3 moz transform scale 3 moz transform origin 0 0 share improve this..
How can I scale the content of an iframe? 800px height 520px border 1px solid black #frame zoom 0.75 moz transform scale 0.75 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale.. 1px solid black #frame zoom 0.75 moz transform scale 0.75 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.75 o transform origin..
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? property unit a mid maxIter 1 epsilon var mozDevicePixelRatio mediaQueryBinarySearch 'min moz device pixel.. var mozDevicePixelRatio mediaQueryBinarySearch 'min moz device pixel ratio' '' a b maxIter epsilon var ff35DevicePixelRatio..
Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas with image rendering optimizeQuality set and scaled with moz transform Canvas resize on pixastic I guess this means firefox..
Load less.js rules dynamically less stylesheet @primary_color green .rounded @radius 5px moz border radius @radius webkit border radius @radius border radius..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping .items position absolute cursor pointer background #FFC400 moz box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 webkit box shadow 1px 1px 2px.. shadow 1px 1px 2px #E39900 box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 moz border radius 2px webkit border radius 2px border radius 2px.. 100 200 Math.random 'px' height 10 10 Math.random 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate..
Styling <input type=“file”> [duplicate] input.file position relative text align right moz opacity 0 filter alpha opacity 0 opacity 0 z index 2 style..
Using Javascript in CSS executing hack using XBL. Use a CSS rule like so body moz binding url script.xml#mycode and within your script.xml xml.. your script.xml xml version 1.0 bindings xmlns http xbl xmlns html http 1999 xhtml binding id..
Is there a way to make text unselectable on an html page? [duplicate] most browsers this can be achieved using CSS .unselectable moz user select moz none khtml user select none webkit user select.. can be achieved using CSS .unselectable moz user select moz none khtml user select none webkit user select none Introduced..
Prevent text selection after double click webkit user select none webkit safari chrome browsers moz user select none mozilla browsers khtml user select none webkit.. none webkit safari chrome browsers moz user select none mozilla browsers khtml user select none webkit konqueror browsers..
How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browser? method depended on properties of the rendering engine moz box sizing and webkit transform to detect the browser. These..