javascript Programming Glossary: myconstructor
Prototype keyword in Javascript is it necessary. Also what is the difference in these two MyConstructor.age 30 MyConstructor.prototype.age 30 In short would appreciate.. what is the difference in these two MyConstructor.age 30 MyConstructor.prototype.age 30 In short would appreciate a better understanding.. If you want to define your own classes like the name MyConstructor suggests you'll have to define its prototype to define the methods..
What are the differences between these three patterns of “class” definitions in JavaScript? by some arguments passed to that constructor function MyConstructor param var paramInit param 2 or something this.p paramInit this.. var paramInit can't it's local to this scope var foo new MyConstructor 10 console.log foo.p 5 foo.p 'hi' console.log foo.p hi foo.reInit..
How to access the correct `this` / context inside a callback? function which registers an event handler function MyConstructor data transport data transport.on 'data' function alert.. 'data' function alert called as var obj new MyConstructor 'foo' transport jsFiddle demo However I'm not able to access.. have any name but common ones are self and that . function MyConstructor data transport data var self this transport.on 'data'..
[[Prototype]] vs prototype: ..what is the difference? (MyCons.__proto__ === MyCons.prototype) equals FALSE there is a difference here... Let's say we have function MyConstructor MyConstructor's Prototype is Function.prototype not MyConstructor.prototype... here... Let's say we have function MyConstructor MyConstructor's Prototype is Function.prototype not MyConstructor.prototype... MyConstructor's Prototype is Function.prototype not MyConstructor.prototype. In other non standard console.log able words MyConstructor.__..