

javascript Programming Glossary: mydiv

jQuery $(this) vs this


have one result it's going to be in the first element. #myDiv 0 document.getElementById myDiv And so on... share improve..

jQuery.click() vs onClick


two methods for click events. First method HTML div id myDiv Some Content div jQuery '#myDiv' .click function Some code Second.. First method HTML div id myDiv Some Content div jQuery '#myDiv' .click function Some code Second method HTML div id myDiv onClick.. .click function Some code Second method HTML div id myDiv onClick divFunction Some Content div JavaScript function call..

Make div text change on click based on PHP data using Ajax


using Ajax Let's say I have in a PHP file a div called myDiv an image called myImg and a PHP variable called x . When someone.. variable called x . When someone clicks on myImg I need myDiv's text to change based on the value of x . For example let's.. based on the value of x . For example let's say I want myDiv's text to change to Hello if x 1 and to Bye if x 2 . Everytime..

How to inherit from the DOM element class


MyDivElement.prototype HTMLDivElement.prototype var myDiv new MyDivElement typeof myDiv.appendChild function but this.. HTMLDivElement.prototype var myDiv new MyDivElement typeof myDiv.appendChild function but this is as much as it goes and usefulness.. certain methods in prototype and nothing else typeof myDivElement.nodeName undefined myDivElement.innerHTML ' span foo..

How to exclude iframe in Greasemonkey


a div at the end of the page. document.body.insertBefore myDiv document.body.firstChild But now the site adds an iframe for..

Place PHP results inside HTML page


example suppose your HTML document has a DIV with the id myDiv . To insert the data from PHP into the HTML document replace.. line alert 'Server side response ' whatigot with this '#myDiv' .html whatIgot Presto Your DIV now contains the data echoed..

How to select a range of elements in jQuery


to select a range of elements in jQuery div id myDiv a ... a a ... a a ... a a ... a a ... a a ... a div If you wanted.. how would you do that The only thing I can think of is #myDiv a eq 1 #myDiv a eq 2 #myDiv a eq 3 But that doesn't look to.. do that The only thing I can think of is #myDiv a eq 1 #myDiv a eq 2 #myDiv a eq 3 But that doesn't look to be very efficient..

Making an AJAX request to another server


4 xmlhttp.status 200 document.getElementById myDiv .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET http www.google.com..

JavaScript detect an AJAX event


4 xmlhttp.status 200 document.getElementById myDiv .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET test.txt true..

Detect click inside/outside of element with single event handler


via jQuery function body .click function e if e.target.id myDiv e.target .parents #myDiv .size alert Inside div else alert.. .click function e if e.target.id myDiv e.target .parents #myDiv .size alert Inside div else alert Outside div In HTML div..

random position of divs in javascript


How do I do that Here's my code var currentDivPosition myDiv.offset myDivWidth myDiv.width myDivHeight myDiv.height var.. do that Here's my code var currentDivPosition myDiv.offset myDivWidth myDiv.width myDivHeight myDiv.height var myDiv ' div '.. my code var currentDivPosition myDiv.offset myDivWidth myDiv.width myDivHeight myDiv.height var myDiv ' div ' finalDivPositionTop..

How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)?


doesn't work FF Chrome var range document.createRange var myDiv document.getElementById editable range.setStart myDiv 5 range.setEnd.. var myDiv document.getElementById editable range.setStart myDiv 5 range.setEnd myDiv 5 Is it possible to set manually caret.. editable range.setStart myDiv 5 range.setEnd myDiv 5 Is it possible to set manually caret position like this javascript..

How to make an ajax call without jquery?


4 xmlhttp.status 200 document.getElementById myDiv .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET ajax_info.txt..

jquery - get text for element without children text


children text for example we have this file div id mydiv some text here div id inner div text for inner div div div i.. div id inner div text for inner div div div i need to get #mydiv text only with some code like this alert '#mydiv' .text will.. to get #mydiv text only with some code like this alert '#mydiv' .text will alert some text here javascript jquery share..

jquery: fastest DOM insertion?


a lot of other tags .. table and I want to put this into #mydiv previously I did something like var html_obj html #mydiv .append.. #mydiv previously I did something like var html_obj html #mydiv .append html_obj Is it correct that jQuery is parsing html to.. DOM tree by hand its nonsense right so I changed my code #mydiv .attr innerHTML #mydiv .attr innerHTML html Feels faster is..

I have to refresh the page for my Greasemonkey script to run?


setTimeout promptDispatch 1000 function addLinks var mydiv document.querySelector 'div data bind CurrentJob.addr ' var.. ' var address 'https maps.google.com maps q ' mydiv.textContent UT address.replace g ' ' var a document.createElement.. a document.createElement a var txt document.createTextNode mydiv.textContent mydiv.textContent a.appendChild txt a.href address..

Load and execution sequence of a web page?


error on jQuery script type text javascript CDATA alert #mydiv .html script div id mydiv Hello World div Because when the.. text javascript CDATA alert #mydiv .html script div id mydiv Hello World div Because when the script is parsed #mydiv element.. mydiv Hello World div Because when the script is parsed #mydiv element is still not defined. Instead this would work div id..

Print the contents of a DIV


mywindow.close return true script head body div id mydiv This will be printed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur..

Is it possible to append to innerHTML without destroying descendants' onclick functions?


myspan myspan.onclick function alert hi mydiv document.getElementById mydiv mydiv.innerHTML bar script head.. function alert hi mydiv document.getElementById mydiv mydiv.innerHTML bar script head body onload start div id mydiv.. function alert hi mydiv document.getElementById mydiv mydiv.innerHTML bar script head body onload start div id mydiv style..

Javascript Event Bubbling


answer to solve this problem using JQuery would be div id mydiv input type checkbox value 1 1 input type checkbox value 2 2.. type checkbox value 3 3 div Now the Javascript code '#mydiv' .click function e do something '#mydiv input' .click function.. Javascript code '#mydiv' .click function e do something '#mydiv input' .click function e stop propagation if e var e window.event..

What is AJAX and how does it work? [duplicate]


the return type dataType 'html' success function html #mydiv .html html error function xhr error alert 'Holy errors batman.. alert 'Holy errors batman ' Some JS HTML here div id mydiv div In the case of a successful return the contents of the div..

how does jquery chaining work?


stop settimeout in recursive function


accident I found out that it is still running after I hide mydiv . I also need to know now if the recursive function creates.. timer #mybutton .click function e e.preventDefault if '#mydiv' .is ' visible' '#mydiv' .fadeOut 'normal' clearTimeout updatetimer.. function e e.preventDefault if '#mydiv' .is ' visible' '#mydiv' .fadeOut 'normal' clearTimeout updatetimer else '#mydiv' .fadeIn..