javascript Programming Glossary: mycallback
Changing parent window's URL from IFrame test.html html head script type text javascript function myCallback foo alert foo script head body iframe src http server2 test2.htm.. http not allowed parent.myCallback http not allowed script p This should be in an..
understanding the concept of javascript callbacks with node.js, especially in loops foo var index for index 0 index 3 index doSomething myCallback function myCallback console.log index index Error That fails.. for index 0 index 3 index doSomething myCallback function myCallback console.log index index Error That fails because myCallback.. console.log index index Error That fails because myCallback is not defined in the same scope or a nested scope that index..
Is this a valid test to check if a URL refers to an Image in JS/jQuery callback function you define elsewhere like this function myCallback url answer alert url ' ' answer function IsValidImageUrl url.. callback url true IsValidImageUrl http GWtGo myCallback IsValidImageUrl http error myCallback The clean and performant.. http GWtGo myCallback IsValidImageUrl http error myCallback The clean and performant version skips the jQuery overhead like..
What happens in JavaScript when an AJAX call returns while the script is executing? I write some JavaScript that performs an AJAX call with myCallback as a callback method to execute when the AJAX succeeds. Suppose.. method called myFunction is being invoked on my page when myCallback is invoked asynchronously. Does one operation take precedence.. method called myFunction is being invoked on my page when myCallback is invoked asynchronously. Does one operation take precedence..
Javascript Callback function pass to Android takes a string. Instead you probably want var myCallback console.log Android.myFunction myCallback You still have a problem.. want var myCallback console.log Android.myFunction myCallback You still have a problem in that you aren't passing any data..
Why don't I get a 'same origin policy' warning when using the Google Maps API? CrossDomainConsumerSite Default.aspx callback myCallback param1 myParam script When this is evaluated the page returned.. is evaluated the page returned by the 'src' parameter is myCallback myParam On the server side you will create a site at that URL.. will look like at the end script type text javascript var myCallback function myParam alert this was called across domains script..
What is JSONP all about? would look like http sample.aspx callback mycallback Without JSONP this might return some basic JavaScript object.. result a little differently returning something like this mycallback foo 'bar' As you can see it will now invoke the method you specified... So in your page you define the callback function mycallback function data alert And now when the script is loaded..
How do I send an AJAX request on a different port with jQuery? handles the callback parameter. For instance if callback mycallback the return from the daemon the only thing written to the page.. to the page should look like this For an key value pairs mycallback 'returnkey' 'returnvalue' 'other' 'data' For an array mycallback.. 'returnkey' 'returnvalue' 'other' 'data' For an array mycallback 1 2 3 If you do not have a JSONP or similar mechanism in place..
How can I write an async method in JavaScript when posting or looping? [closed] if you use other libraries function IsstuffExist stuff mycallback Make ajax call to find out if stuff exist ajax 'some'..' callback function r var status r.responseText mycallback status note I renamed the callback for the function to mycallback.. status note I renamed the callback for the function to mycallback to avoid confusion. But in real code I would simply name it..
How can I take advantage of callback functions for asynchronous XMLHttpRequest? here 'GET' url request.send function mycallback data alert data getText 'somephpfile.php' mycallback passing.. mycallback data alert data getText 'somephpfile.php' mycallback passing mycallback as a method If you do the above it means.. alert data getText 'somephpfile.php' mycallback passing mycallback as a method If you do the above it means you pass mycallback..