javascript Programming Glossary: licensing
Restrictions of GPL on javascript libraries [closed] can help me to understand this aspect of GPL. javascript licensing legal gpl share improve this question I am not a lawyer...
Can Javascript code be copyrighted? [closed] are still in control. Of course no amount of copyright or licensing will stop your code from being stolen. Nor will any technological..
Why is ContentEditable removing ?œID??from div document.execCommand e.g. document.execCommand œbold Due to licensing restrictions LGPL is not liked and or cost it is very hard to..
Javascript directed acyclic graph library? (Graph visualization is NOT necessary) that would be great too. One final requirement regarding licensing the library needs to be free in a non copyleft way So ideally..
Distributing GPL Licensed Code, Code Compression, and Code Readability of the derivative code. Thanks for the help javascript licensing gpl minify mit license share improve this question Transcribing.. js file Is it required by the license to attach the licensing info in that file even if the file content needs to be minified..
Secure distribution of NodeJS applications clients can easily steal our solution and stop paying licensing fees. This opens up the possibility of easy reverse engineering.. clients can easily steal our solution and stop paying licensing fees. Just because you distribute the binary doesn't protect..