

javascript Programming Glossary: len1

Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript


b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split var len1 a.length 1 len2 b.length 1 I 0 i 0 d 0 c j J while i len2 d.. 1 I 0 i 0 d 0 c j J while i len2 d 0 i i i 0 while i len1 J j 0 c a I d i i while j len2 d i j min d I j 1 d i J 1 d.. d i j min d I j 1 d i J 1 d I J c b J J I return d len1 1 len2 1 Math.min false How can I work with algorithm or a similar..

How does similar_text work?


static void php_similar_str const char txt1 int len1 const char txt2 int len2 int pos1 int pos2 int max char p q.. int pos1 int pos2 int max char p q char end1 char txt1 len1 char end2 char txt2 len2 int l max 0 for p char txt1 p end1.. static int php_similar_char const char txt1 int len1 const char txt2 int len2 int sum int pos1 pos2 max php_similar_str..