javascript Programming Glossary: lengths
Is it possible to do mathematics inside CSS? in CSS. With a preprocessor you can only combine static lengths with static lengths and relative lengths with relative ones... you can only combine static lengths with static lengths and relative lengths with relative ones. Calc is supported since.. combine static lengths with static lengths and relative lengths with relative ones. Calc is supported since Chrome 19 Firefox..
How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?
Why would one use the Publish/Subscribe pattern (in JS/jQuery)? the publish subscribe pattern and go to the following lengths if it does the same thing FYI I used jQuery tiny pub sub removeOrder..
Calculate lat/lng of corners of ground overlay from kml-file There is de squishing for the relative part of horizontal lengths. The sine table looks like this NE a x cos A y sin A b x sin..
Is there a more concise way to initialize empty multidimensional arrays?
Detect pasted text with ctrl+v or right click -> paste the paste has completed. This function can then compare lengths and to know where to look for the pasted content. Something..
How to auto resize text in fixed DIV according to the text's length? put text inside. Problem is this text can be in different lengths letter wise so I dont mind to reduce its size once its overflowing...
Finding All Combinations of JavaScript array values of the values in N number of JavaScript arrays of variable lengths Let's say I have N number of JavaScript arrays e.g. var first..
dotted stroke in <canvas> Illustrator and allow you to specify an array of dash gap lengths. For stackoverflow posterity here's my implementation slightly..
Javascript equivalent of Python's zip function of Python's zip function That is given two arrays of equal lengths create an array of pairs. javascript python functional programming..
Wrapping lists into columns of these aren't that long but a few have ridiculously long lengths and could really stand to be in 2 3 columns. Is there an HTML..
How to limit number of characters per line in text area to a fixed value in a block of text then you'd have to check all the line lengths between the previous cursor position and the new one which is..
Javascript elegant way to split string into segments n characters long 1 3 instead of just 3 to include the remainder for string lengths that aren't a multiple of 3 e.g abcd .match . 1 3 g abc d A..
Show a second dropdown based on previous dropdown selection post I am quite comfortable myself with writing to great lengths. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. javascript..
Comparing two arrays in Javascript is a falsy value return if array return false compare lengths can save a lot of time if this.length array.length return false..