javascript Programming Glossary: legitimate
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? minimum timeout of 4ms read explanation on MDN . So it is legitimate for every device software firmware to stop such execution if..
Securing javascript game timing with is determining a way to assure that the time sent is legitimate. How can I stop someone from using their console and editing..
Understanding XMLHttpRequest over CORS (responseText) any obligation to verify that the request is coming from a legitimate domain although it may do so using the Origin header from the..
Google SEO and hidden elements
How to restrict AJAX API from unwanted use (e.g. someone performing a SELECT *) Forbidden response. Make your threshold high enough that legitimate users don't get caught by it. Keep good logs and highlight 401..
How to use the double not (!!) operator in javascript fact the only time that I could think of that it would be legitimate to use the double not operator is if you wanted to do a strict..
How does Google Analytics prevent traffic spoofing in size. Traffic generated from a botnet can appear to be legitimate machines with a legit Google Cookie because they where hijacked... RBL such as the one run by http and many legitimate ip addresses are also on that list. There are also proxies that..
In javascript, can I override the brackets to access characters in a string? language .. There are useful patterns in javascript for legitimate function overloading and polymorphic inheritance . This isn't..
Legitimate uses of the Function constructor am wondering what are these œadvanced edge cases Are there legitimate uses of the Function constructor javascript function constructor..
Why not eval() JSON? PHP's json_encode let us assume it is not buggy is it legitimate to simply use eval to read the JSON in JS or are there any security..
Are there legitimate uses for JavaScript's “with” statement? there legitimate uses for JavaScript's &ldquo with&rdquo statement Alan Storm's..
OpenLayers Cluster Recalculate clusters.push candidate this.clustering true A legitimate feature addition could occur during this addFeatures call...
How can I wrap text around a moveable image? since the earliest days of CSS and it is a common and legitimate visual design objective both on screen and in print. share..