

javascript Programming Glossary: lightbox

Keep text selection when focus changes


when focus changes I have a normal textbox and a lightbox with a text input. I want to keep the user's selection in the.. selection in the textbox even when the user focuses on the lightbox's text input. 1. Select text in normal textbox 2. Toggle lightbox.. text input. 1. Select text in normal textbox 2. Toggle lightbox 3. Focus on lightbox input At step 3. the user's text selection..

iframe shimming or ie6 (and below) select z-index bug


a div that's supposed to be on top of everything e.g lightbox multibox etc.. onclick of a certain element and that div overlaps..

Setting focus to iframe contents


I had a similar problem with the jQuery Thickbox a lightbox style dialog widget . The way I fixed my problem is as follows.. .click function run thickbox code here to open lightbox like tb_show google this http www.google.com setTimeout setFocusThickboxIframe..

Add CSS to <head> with JavaScript?


with javascript Let's say we have a webpage which has a lightbox script this script requires a css file to function. Now adding..

jQuery UI Dialog instead of alert() for Rails 3 data-confirm attribute


the 'body' .delegate function to instead instantiate a lightbox. However I imagine that there is a more effective approach than..

jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed]


well as an optional mini thumbnail gallery inside of the lightbox itself. There are also six skins themes included which are based.. If you don't need the mini thumbnail slideshow within the lightbox I prefer FancyBox 2 over prettyPhoto. jCarousel has a major..

Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library?


in a folder of documents allowing you to preview them in a lightbox fashion. javascript jquery client side scripting share improve..

Set window to fullscreen (REAL fullscreen; F11 functionality) by javascript


in Flash ugh or just have your fullscreen button pop up a lightbox that says Press F11 to go fullscreen and hide the lightbox on.. lightbox that says Press F11 to go fullscreen and hide the lightbox on window.resize or clicking a cancel button in the lightbox... on window.resize or clicking a cancel button in the lightbox. Edit A proper fullscreen API first proposed by Mozilla and..

Just disable scroll not hide it?


the html body scrollbar of the parent while i'm using a lightbox. The main word here is disable i do not want to hide it with.. width 100 And add it to the body only when I open up the lightbox and remove it when I close the lightbox 'body' .addClass 'noscroll'.. when I open up the lightbox and remove it when I close the lightbox 'body' .addClass 'noscroll' 'body' .removeClass 'noscroll' this..

event.wheelDelta returns undefined


So I'm trying to disable scrolling on my page when my lightbox opens and I found this really usefull script that does exactly.. when I use it on my own page it disabled scrolling in my lightbox as well. I started to debug the code with alerts only to find..