

javascript Programming Glossary: likes

socket.io.js not found


was changed. If 3.0 you can change your code to something likes this var express require 'express' http require 'http' var app..

How to detect if a variable is an array


for `obj 0 undefined` obj.hasOwnProperty '0' exclude array likes with inherited entries '0' in Object obj include array likes.. with inherited entries '0' in Object obj include array likes with inherited entries The cast to object is necessary to work..

Server Side PHP Long polling


response 'streamitem_id' ' style 'cursor pointer ' onClick likestatus response 'streamitem_id' this.id div style 'width 50px.. 'streamitem_id' this.id div style 'width 50px ' id 'likesprint response 'streamitem_id' ' Like a div div style 'width.. 'streamitem_id' ' Like a div div style 'width 50px ' id 'likesprint response 'streamitem_id' ' a title 'See who likes response..

How to make a class in JavaScript?


available here. Is this all correct so far Then someone likes the self executing anonymous function approach to create a namespace...

AngularJS two way binding not working in directive with transcluded scope


was the value that parent property had Mark . If you typed likes Angular into the second text box this is what the scopes look..

How does AJAX work?


star image near a message. If a user click the star he she likes the message star changes the color and my server update database.. color and my server update database to remember that user likes the message . javascript ajax share improve this question..

Facebook 'Like' buttons and # URL strings?


users' newsfeed 4 people like mysite.com articles or dave likes mysite.com articles#story1 tom likes mysite.com articles#story2.. articles or dave likes mysite.com articles#story1 tom likes mysite.com articles#story2 ben likes mysite.com articles#story3.. articles#story1 tom likes mysite.com articles#story2 ben likes mysite.com articles#story3 nick likes mysite.com articles#story4..

How does paging in facebook javascript API works?


connection data limit offset https graph.facebook.com me likes limit 3 until since a unix timestamp or any date accepted by..

How to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API


to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API I think I'm going..

how to implement facebook like notification?


how to implement it like Facebook has. Whenever someone likes comments on your post in Facebook the light blue box appears..

Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content?


app. The app should first show an image and if the user likes the page he will get access to some content. I use RoR therefore..

What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete?


the path of least resistance and return data in the way it likes. If you want to use data that doesn't fit autocomplete's assumptions..

How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page?


the page or not using php javascript Check if user already likes fanpage php javascript facebook facebook graph api facebook..

Ember.js and RequireJS


much success with RequireJS and Ember.js Seeing as Ember likes to have its structure assigned to a global object I'm finding..