javascript Programming Glossary: lastindex
What's the difference between console.dir and console.log? foo foo console.dir foo foo global false ignoreCase false lastIndex 0 ... You can also see a clear difference with arrays e.g. console.dir..
Javascript Regex - Find all possible matches, even in already captured matches each match using .exec and manipulating the regex object's lastIndex property. var string 'A1B1Y A1B2Y A1B3Y A1B4Z A1B5Y A1B6Y A1B7Y.. found while found reg.exec string matches.push found 0 reg.lastIndex found 0 .split ' ' 1 .length console.log matches A1B1Y A1B2Y.. match from the second character of each match onwards reg.lastIndex found.index 1 Demo The final outcome is the same. Though Bergi's..
Why RegExp with global flag in Javascript give wrong results? this question The RegExp object keeps track of the lastIndex where a match occurred so on subsequent matches it will start.. 'gi' var result result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' alert re.lastIndex result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' As far as I know only Firefox.. of ToString string . Let length be the length of S. Let lastIndex be the value of the lastIndex property. Let i be the value of..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? r n Function IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last Binary r n Dim lastIndex r n lastIndex LenB Binary r n if lastIndex mod 2 Then r n IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last.. IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last Binary r n Dim lastIndex r n lastIndex LenB Binary r n if lastIndex mod 2 Then r n IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last.. Binary r n Dim lastIndex r n lastIndex LenB Binary r n if lastIndex mod 2 Then r n IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last Chr AscB MidB Binary..
how to implement regions/code collapse in javascript True Dim startIndex As Integer Dim endIndex As Integer Dim lastIndex As Integer 0 Dim startRegions As Stack New Stack Do startIndex.. As Stack New Stack Do startIndex text.IndexOf REGION_START lastIndex endIndex text.IndexOf REGION_END lastIndex If startIndex 1 AndAlso.. REGION_START lastIndex endIndex text.IndexOf REGION_END lastIndex If startIndex 1 AndAlso endIndex 1 Then Exit Do End If If startIndex..
Regular expression test can't decide between true and false (JavaScript) getting a new regexp object every time so losing the lastIndex state associated with the old object. share improve this answer..
Interesting test of Javascript RegExp in the string. That pointer can be inspected on the lastIndex property. When you call test or exec again it begins searching.. exec again it begins searching for a match starting at the lastIndex . So when you test a RegExp on a string that matches the entire.. a RegExp on a string that matches the entire string the lastIndex is set to the end of the string. The next time you test it starts..