

javascript Programming Glossary: last_name

Save my cookie data to MySQL database?


on cookie name name sql INSERT INTO user_data first_name last_name job_title organisation email phone_number ip_address date time..

Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string


getSource function return id 2 full_name 'first_name last_name' element.typeahead minLength 3 source getSource display 'full_name'.. var users new Backbone.Collection first_name 'primo' last_name 'ultimo' id 1 first_name 'altro_primo' last_name 'altro_ultimo'.. 'primo' last_name 'ultimo' id 1 first_name 'altro_primo' last_name 'altro_ultimo' id 2 .models return _.map users function user..

jQuery validate plugin on DIV


.validate onfocusout true rules first_name required last_name required script whatever div id pseudoForm input type text.. input type text name first_name input type text name last_name div I have all within a form. I am getting a bunch of different..

Dynamically fill in form values with jQuery


text name first_name id first_name input type text name last_name id last_name You could have this javascript #email .bind change.. first_name id first_name input type text name last_name id last_name You could have this javascript #email .bind change function.. #first_name .val item.value else if item.field last_name #last_name .val item.value Then just you have a PHP script..

How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0?


facebookUser this api api 'me fields id name first_name last_name' this user new FBUserModel array 'fbId' facebookUser 'fbId'.. in facebookUser this api api 'me fields id name first_name last_name' with the error An active access token must be used to query..

How to handle initializing and rendering subviews in Backbone.js?


span class first_name Kevin span br Last name span class last_name Peel span br div div Phone Numbers div div id phone_numbers.. first_name this.subRender this this.model.bind change last_name this.subRender this Step 2 render my own view this.render Step.. block #name .html Person this.model.first_name this.model.last_name You can see my implementation of subRender here. By having..