

javascript Programming Glossary: la

Node.js with Handlebars.js on server and client


app in Node.js using Expressjs and Handlebars as the template engine. Expressjs uses layouts and then renders views. The.. and Handlebars as the template engine. Expressjs uses layouts and then renders views. The layout layout.hbs looks like.. engine. Expressjs uses layouts and then renders views. The layout layout.hbs looks like this doctype html html lang en head..

Prevent scroll bounce for the body element, but keep it for child elements in iOS [duplicate]


5 answers I've been working on a mobile webapp as of late. I'm optimizing mobile first focusing specifically on iOS.. this annotated to better understand the problem I'm having later on This all works problem free and it also has the advantage.. a native feel with static header and footer and a scrollable inner view thanks to webkit overflow scrolling touch . As..

Differences bettween contentType and dataType in Jquery ajax function


var button form.children first .ajax Viene eseguita la chiamata AJAX type POST Tipo di richiesta POST URL verso quale.. POST Tipo di richiesta POST URL verso quale viene inviata la richiesta url form.attr action Dati XML inviati data xml version.. apple fruit javaBean Tipo di media type accettabile dalla response contentType application xml dataType text success function..

No ways to have class-based objects in javascript?


ways to have class based objects in javascript The javascript prototype based.. where you need the ability to create objects from a class. For instance in a vector drawing application the workspace.. objects are being dynamically created require the use of classes. I've read a lot of tutorials and the book Javascript the..

Why does my spinner GIF stop while jQuery ajax call is running?


from ASP.NET UpdatePanels. I'm using jQuery and jTemplates to bind the results of a web service to a grid and everything.. to show a spinner GIF while the table is being refreshed la UpdateProgress in ASP.NET I've got it all working except that.. charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg applyTemplate msg error function XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown..

Javascript to sort contents of select element


This will do the trick. Just pass it your select element a la document.getElementById 'lstALL' when you need your list sorted...

Javascript troubleshooting tools in IE


troubleshooting tools in IE I use Firebug and the Mozilla JS console heavily but every now and then I run into an IE only.. 200 lines . I would love to have a lightweight JS tool a la firebug for IE something I can install in seconds on a client's..

XmlHttpRequest.responseText while loading (readyState==3) in Chrome


var lines response.split ' n' nextLine nextLine response.lastIndexOf ' n' 1 if response response.length 1 ' n' lines.pop.. this question Chrome has a bug where it will only populate xhr.responseText after a certain number of bytes has been.. handler. Either of these methods should make chrome populate the responseText field when readyState 3. IE7 8 on the other..

JQuery - Best way of wiring GUI objects to events?


scripts. Initially I used the ' syntax to grab and manipulate objects this to me is the 'old skool' paradigm of explicitly.. functions button onClick 'myFunction this ' ... with a related function function myFunction obj alert 'this is how old timers.. prefer to do the attaching of scripts to events a la JQuery document .ready #myButton .click function event alert..

Facebook Connect for one application with multiple domains?


a plug in that's embeddable in different sites a la Meebo Wibiya and I want to use Facebook Connect. The plug in..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


driven elements Some fields are hidden and have values populated by widgets. E.g. a map widget lets you point to a location.. you point to a location and a hidden field is updated with latitude longitude coordinates but the location must be within.. only be validated when all of the fields have bee populated. Server side validation Validation of some fields requires..

Regex for names with special characters (Unicode)


.match function client side and want to use php's preg_replace only in negative server side. removing non matching characters.. share improve this question Try the following regular expression ^ p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 s p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019.. p Pd ' x 2019 s p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 s In PHP this translates to if preg_match '~^ p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 s p L p Mn p..

Basic Dual Contouring Theory


is good.Has anyone used Dual contouring before and can explain it briefly c# javascript scripting terrain voxel share.. publications dualcontour dualcontour.pdf In particular the topology of the mesh is described in part 2.2 in the following.. Here is the code import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import scipy.optimize as opt import itertools as it #Cardinal..

Key value pair params handling in Backbone.js Router


url has been changed Backbone.history.loadUrl 'dashboard planet earth system solar' Backbone.history.loadUrl 'dashboard usa.. Backbone.history.loadUrl 'dashboard planet earth system solar' Backbone.history.loadUrl 'dashboard usa la planet earth system.. system solar' Backbone.history.loadUrl 'dashboard usa la planet earth system solar' The working demo is here . share..

Can't get Backbone routes without hashes?


URLs like #accounts . But I want URLs without the hashes a la accounts . But I can't get this to work using Backbone.history.start..

event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page


complex elements to a page I have some markup like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header.. like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info.. just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide..