

javascript Programming Glossary: landing

Ordered hash in JavaScript


this small coffescript. Hopefully this will help folks landing on this page ## OrderedHash # f new OrderedHash # f.push 'a'..

How to check if the user can go back in browser history or not


starts at 0 while Google Chrome starts at 1 because of the landing page . Most of the time a link is added that calls history.back..

about config preferences and js


on addon front end. Basically I'm trying to identify users landing on FE without asking them to login explicitly. javascript firefox..

How to find out the actual event.target of touchmove javascript event?


but not yet released that zone is highlighted marking safe landing location. That works perfectly fine with mouse events but I'm..

Backbone.View “el” confusion


to render you content into the el. So the el serves as a landing place or a container for placing your templated content. Backbone..

How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0?


from about 2 of 50 users get lost between the steps landing page authentication formular and registration. So there is still..

How can I wrap text around a moveable image?


implemented with patches gradually being approved for landing in the WebKit trunk meaning we should start seeing this soon...

Chrome Extension: fire an event when element created?


changed I thought I'd add an updated answer for people landing on this page looking for an answer. The DOM Mutation Events..

Secure popup login possible?


over TLS. The initial login page referred to as the login landing page must be served over TLS. Failure to utilize TLS for the.. be served over TLS. Failure to utilize TLS for the login landing page allows an attacker to modify the login form action causing..