

javascript Programming Glossary: layername

Sorting a JSON object in Javascript


a way to sort a JSON object like this results layerId 5 layerName Pharmaceutical Entities attributes OBJECTID 35 FACILITYTYPE.. MAARAB PHARMACY geometryType esriGeometryPoint layerId 5 layerName Pharmaceutical Entities attributes OBJECTID 1 FACILITYTYPE Pharmacy.. PHARMACY geometryType esriGeometryPoint layerId 5 layerName Pharmaceutical Entities attributes OBJECTID 255 FACILITYTYPE..

Implementing Layers in HTML5 Canvas


is to have a Canvas element for each layer like canvas id layerName width 320 height 240 style position absolute left 0 top 0 z.. position absolute left 0 top 0 z index 1 canvas canvas id layerName width 320 height 240 style position absolute left 0 top 0 z.. position absolute left 0 top 0 z index 2 canvas canvas id layerName width 320 height 240 style position absolute left 0 top 0 z..