

javascript Programming Glossary: layer

rails and backbone working together


data in JSON or XML format. Backbone.js A new stateful layer Backbone is also based on RESTful resources. Whenever you create.. a rich client side interface provided by the backbone.js layer stateful For machines a resource oriented RESTful API provided.. a resource oriented RESTful API provided by the rails layer stateless Notice that there is no longer a stateless RESTful..

HTML “overlay” which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it


see what is behind and have the user interact with the layer below it I've found a lot of information on the DOM event model..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


entry.msg . And there was much rejoicing. Distinct model layer In jQuery the DOM is kind of like the model. But in AngularJS.. like the model. But in AngularJS we have a separate model layer that we can manage in any way we want completely independently.. part your model represents your data you have a service layer to perform reusable tasks you do DOM manipulation and augment..

Passing mouse clicks through an overlaying element <div>


Is there any way of creating a purely aesthetic overlay layer in HTML 5 CSS 3 and or JavaScript jQuery Thanks in advance and..

Is a colon safe for friendly-URL use?


be in the hash which will be interpreted by a controller layer on the client side http site gwturl#section1 section2 Some sections..

“innerHTML += …” vs “appendChild(txtNode)”


element building an HTML string to give to the JavaScript layer. Your code then appends text to it and sets innerHTML causing..

Drag-and-drop file upload in Google Chrome/Chromium and Safari?


pseudo Ajax like behavior. And the upload element can be a layer hidden until something is dragged over it. Such an iframe would..

With javascript, can I change the Z index/layer of an svg “g” element?


javascript can I change the Z index layer of an svg &ldquo g&rdquo element Let's say I have a couple..

.prop() vs .attr()


defaultChecked property . This change removes some of the layer of magic jQuery stuck in front of attributes and properties..

jQuery SVG vs. Raphael [closed]


extensible architecture. Great with animation. Cons is a layer over the actual SVG markup makes it difficult to do more complex..

SVG re-ordering z-index (Raphael optional)


SVG elements after creation. Better yet do something like layers exist in SVG Ideally I would like two or more layers in which.. like layers exist in SVG Ideally I would like two or more layers in which to place elements at any time A background and a foreground.. place elements at any time A background and a foreground layer. If that is not an option popping elements to the front would..

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map


need to display in one of the in between œsandwich layers to achieve the desired effect. After some unsuccessful fiddling.. is to associate the image map with the bottom background layer initialize all the rollovers with css visibility hidden and..

Best practice: escape, or encodeURI / encodeURIComponent


use instead of ' for attribute quotes or add an extra layer of encoding ' can be encoded as 27 . For more information on..

Can search engines index JavaScript generated web pages?


search bots and Lynx like user agents. Then add a visual layer CSS graphics media for visual polish but don't significantly.. Keep your markup clean Third is to add a behavioural layer Javascript Ajax . Offer things that make the experience faster..

How to prevent Javascript injection attacks within user-generated HTML


and jQuery. I would like the chokepoint to be the ASP.NET layer anyone can craft a bad HTTP request. Edit 2 Thanks for the links..

disable all the elements in html


Add an absolute positioned transparent full screen div Layer above the Page. This way the user can't even click on a Link...

How can i animate a progressive drawing of svg path?


Created with SVG edit http svg edit.googlecode.com g title Layer 1 title path d m33 104c1 0 2.1306 0.8037 23 3c9.07012 1.65314..

Best practice for localization and globalization of strings and labels


done till now is that for each view in UI or Presentation Layer we have a dictionary of key value pairs of translations. Then..

What are the differences between group and layer in KineticJs


The basic difference Groups are containers while Layers are separators. Group A group is a container for shaped objects.. drag a circle and rectangle contained in that group. Layer Layers are actually separate canvas elements that are stacked.. drag a circle and rectangle contained in that group. Layer Layers are actually separate canvas elements that are stacked atop..

Refresh / Redraw a Layer in OpenLayers (KML) Network-Link Auto Refresh


Redraw a Layer in OpenLayers KML Network Link Auto Refresh TLDR I want to.. Redraw a Layer in OpenLayers KML Network Link Auto Refresh TLDR I want to refresh a layer.. 5000 KMLLAYER the layer itself var KMLLAYER new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector MYKMLLAYER projection new OpenLayers.Projection..

Best way to parse HTML in Javascript


.2em style body table class featureInfo2 tr th class dataLayer colspan 5 Tibetan Villages th tr EOF Data Layer tr class dataHeaders.. class dataLayer colspan 5 Tibetan Villages th tr EOF Data Layer tr class dataHeaders th ID th th Latitude th th Longitude th.. alert somestring var startPos html.indexOf ' th class dataLayer colspan 5 ' var length ' th class dataLayer colspan 5 ' .length..

Implementing Layers in HTML5 Canvas


Layers in HTML5 Canvas I am about to implement Photoshop like Layers.. in HTML5 Canvas I am about to implement Photoshop like Layers in HTML5 Canvas. Currently I have two ideas. The first and.. when you draw to a layer it actually goes to that layer . Layers with transparent positions can be seen through to below layers..