

javascript Programming Glossary: hl

google analytics - multiple trackers on one page (cookie conflict)


How to Logout of an Application Where I Used OAuth2 To Login With Google?


text javascript src https mail.google.com mail u 0 logout hl en OR img src https mail.google.com mail u 0 logout hl en OR.. hl en OR img src https mail.google.com mail u 0 logout hl en OR window.location https mail.google.com mail u 0 logout.. OR window.location https mail.google.com mail u 0 logout hl en If you redirect your user to the logout page or invoke it..

Why use /*, */ around arguments and why use >>> when extracting the length of an array?


source bl ots jM4Y4Y3ZDS sig fbHEe14PUaCYf1Wfq5TIX2tlW0I hl en ei 4aWjSrXRJ56UjAfKuJmYDg sa X oi book 5Fresult ct result..

Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox)


param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 param name allowFullScreen.. id embeddedPlayer src http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 type application..

How can I match multiple occurrences with a regex in JavaScript similar to PHP's preg_match_all()?


getUrlParams http maps.google.de maps f q source s_q hl de geocode q Frankfurt am Main sll 50.106047 8.679886 sspn 0.370369.. 0.833588 z 11 iwloc addr result is an object f q geocode hl de ie UTF8 iwloc addr ll 50.116616 8.680573 q Frankfurt am Main..

Implement map in javascript that supports object methods as mapped functions?


0 'http translate.google.com translate u www.example.com hl en ie UTF 8 tl en sl ' language 1 subMenu map langItem languages.. the ˜window object instead of a menu. This is of course highly unusual for an OO language and almost never what you want but..

Extract keyword from Google search in Javascript


search e.g. for the keyword car http www.google.com webhp hl en#sclient psy hl en site webhp source hp q car aq ... here.. keyword car http www.google.com webhp hl en#sclient psy hl en site webhp source hp q car aq ... here car is between q and.. then do this var v getUrlVars http www.google.com webhp hl en#sclient psy hl en site webhp source hp q car aq var q v.q..

How does one record audio from a Javascript based webapp?


moodle.org mod forum discuss.php 3Fd 3D51231 moodlespeex hl en ct clnk cd 1 gl uk membership required site but open to Google..

Why does Google +1 record my mouse movements?


don't worry https plusone.google.com u 0 _ 1 button hl en US jsh r 3Bgc 2F22224365 adc8a19e#url http stackoverflow.com.. parent https plusone.google.com u 0 _ 1 button hl en US jsh r 3Bgc 2F22224365 adc8a19e#url http stackoverflow.com..

YouTube url id Regex [duplicate]


1 QdK8U VIH_o http www.youtube.com v 0zM3nApSvMg fs 1 amp hl en_US amp rel 0 http www.youtube.com watch v 0zM3nApSvMg#t 0m10s.. 1 QdK8U VIH_o http www.youtube.com v 0zM3nApSvMg fs 1 amp hl en_US amp rel 0 http www.youtube.com watch v 0zM3nApSvMg#t 0m10s..

Google Plus button code warns: “Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame” in Chrome


2F size standard count true annotation inline hl en US jsh m 3B 2F_ 2Fapps static 2F_ 2Fjs 2Fwidget 2F__features__..

Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest in chrome extensions


XMLHttpRequest cannot load http www.google.com search hl en q ajax . Origin chrome extension bmehmboknpnjgjbmiaoidkkjfcgiimbo.. new XMLHttpRequest req.open GET http www.google.com search hl en q ajax true req.onreadystatechange function if req.readyState..