javascript Programming Glossary: history.js
How to make browser back and forward work on a single page layout? libraries that enable that https browserstate History.js Advanced example by the Chrome team that uses the history API..
How to keep the browser history in sync when using Ajax? which deprecates the HTML4 hashchange functionality. History.js provides cross browser compatibility and an optional hashchange..
Good tutorial for using HTML5 History API (Pushstate?) buggy and has no fallback for HTML4 browsers. Fortunately History.js provides cross compatibility for the HTML5 browsers ensuring.. and replaceState functionality . You can read more about History.js here https browserstate history.js For an article..
history.pushState and expect it to work without implementing workarounds. History.js provides a cross browser API for the HTML5 History API and a..
Using HTML5 pushState() in IE9 javascript html5 pushstate share improve this question History.js Quote from the repo History.js gracefully supports the HTML5.. improve this question History.js Quote from the repo History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? even gracefully fallback to the common hash tag solution History.js History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs.. fallback to the common hash tag solution History.js History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
Emulate/polyfill history.pushstate() in IE share improve this question Consider using or adapting History.js from GitHub. As per the description History.js gracefully supports.. or adapting History.js from GitHub. As per the description History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
Change url on ajax request you might want to have a look at this . There is a library History.js which can be used for transition to pushState. It's API is very..
Can't understand History.js, need it simplified? understand History.js need it simplified I'm fairly new to programming and I'm making.. a fair bit for an AJAX history handler and figured that History.js seems to be the best most up to date. My menu buttons each have.. an example preferably on jsfiddle on how I would implement History.js I can't seem to grasp any of the examples given by the author..
Reading window.history.state object in Webkit to provide cross compatible history management experience. History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
HTML5 History API Demo button work with the history API. I know there's the history.js plug in but I want to understand how the API works in its simplest..
Good tutorial for using HTML5 History API (Pushstate?) more about History.js here https browserstate history.js For an article about Hashbangs VS Hashes VS HTML5 History API..
How to change the URL displayed in the browser without leaving the page
Can't understand History.js, need it simplified? please let me know and thanks javascript jquery history.js share improve this question Follow the instructions here..
Reading window.history.state object in Webkit implementation were done so far. There is a project called history.js which is aiming to provide cross compatible history management..
Statechange is firing whenever i do a push-state is firing whenever i do a push state I am using history.js to handle back button. In history.js statechange is firing whenever.. state I am using history.js to handle back button. In history.js statechange is firing whenever i do a pushstate. Why javascript.. i do a pushstate. Why javascript jquery browser history history.js share improve this question According to this discussion..