javascript Programming Glossary: hkey_local_machine
Detect from browser if specific application is installed JohnFx suggested I found it here and have not tested it HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Curr entVersion Internet Settings..
JQuery Ajax post parameters sometimes not sent on IE a really weird key using regedit to activate the fix HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main FeatureControl FEATURE_SKIP_POST_RETRY_ON_INTERNETWRITEFILE_KB895954...
What is the ProgId or CLSID for IE9's Javascript engine (code-named “Chakra”) registry I used this Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes CLSID 16d51579 a30b 4c8b a276 0ff4dc41e755.. CLSID 16d51579 a30b 4c8b a276 0ff4dc41e755 ProgID @ Chakra HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes Wow6432Node CLSID 16d51579 a30b 4c8b a276 0ff4dc41e755.. CLSID 16d51579 a30b 4c8b a276 0ff4dc41e755 ProgID @ Chakra HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes Chakra @ JScript Language HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE..