javascript Programming Glossary: historical
php javascript url encoding instead urlencode does some things differently for historical reasons. See http manual en function.urlencode.php..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? the implementation details of 1.8.1 are left as a historical curiosity Functions such as eq ... are implemented as eq function..
Is there a way to have content from an IFRAME overflow onto the parent frame? improve this question No it's not possible. Ignoring any historical reasons nowadays it would be considered a security vulnerability..
JSON find in JavaScript an ID to Index Map Dumb idea predates the above. Kept for historical reasons. It looks like you need this to be an array in which..
Remember and Repopulate File Input fakepath requirement is a sad accident of history and For historical reasons the value IDL attribute prefixes the filename with the..
bCrypt implementation in Javascript
What is the difference between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation? of best modern practices you're making sure that certain historical markets are being catered by some semblance of a functional..
Why is JavaScript inconsistent across browsers? but why do they even exist in the first place Is there a historical reason for this Do companies rolling out browsers just ship..
How can I get stock quotes using Google Finance API?
How to check if element exists in the visible DOM? This part of the answer is left for historical reasons . You can test if the element is part of the document..
Is there ever a good reason to pass a string to setTimeout? to use the deprecated syntax. It is probably allowed for historical reasons as Felix Kling mentioned the original syntax did only..
Emulate super in javascript 1 2 3 While this is far from ideal there is at least some historical precedent from 2.x Python . They fixed super for 3.0 so it doesn't..