javascript Programming Glossary: highlighted
Highlight row when the checkbox is true CSS class myAltRowClass should define background color of highlighted rows. The corresponding demo you can find here Because in your..
Select all DIV text with single mouse click clicks on the DIV...the idea is that all of the text is highlighted selected so the user doesn't need to manually highlight the.. the user clicks on any of that URL the whole URL text is highlighted so they can easily drag the selected text around in the browser..
Prevent Highlight of Text Table select multiple rows. Sometimes this cause text to become highlighted. Is there anyway to prevent this javascript jquery html share..
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML When the HTML page is loaded the text is selected and highlighted using the range object and the executeCommand document.execCommand..
JavaScript/jQuery check broken links And I wanted to have the information div of a pdf file highlighted if the file actually exist. Is there a way to programmatically..
Datepicker for web page that can allow only specific dates to be clicked that would only allow certain dates to be clickable and highlighted. For example on server side I could specify a array of days..
How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date? text size 10 value id date_pretty Today's date is nicely highlighted for the user when they bring up the calendar but how do I get..
How can I highlight the line of text that is closest to the mouse? offer the user a reading help The current line should be highlighted. To make it easier I'll just use the Y coordinate of the mouse..
How can I highlight the text of the DOM Range object? text.Ex p In this case the text selected will be highlighted properly because the selected text lies under a single textnode.. In this case h3 only the text inside the header h3 will be highlighted not any text outside the header p Any idea how can i make all.. how can i make all the texts which comes under rangeobject highlighted independent of whether range lies in a single node or multiple..
How to get caret position in textarea? selection eg 'This is' '' ' a text' If the word is is highlighted then it would return 'This ' 'is' ' a text' javascript textarea..
Javascript: How to detect if a word is highlighted How to detect if a word is highlighted I'm writing a Firefox addon that is triggered whenever a word.. a Firefox addon that is triggered whenever a word is highlighted. However I need a script that detects when a word is highlighted.. However I need a script that detects when a word is highlighted and I'm stuck. An example would be when you're reading..
Get the Highlighted/Selected text the Highlighted Selected text Is it possible to get the highlighted text in a paragraph of a website e.g. by using jQuery javascript..
How do I wrap a text selection from window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) with an html tag? Range . Example code using Rangy style type text css span.highlighted background color yellow style script type text javascript var.. rangy.init highlightApplier rangy.createCssClassApplier highlighted true function applyHighlight highlightApplier.applyToSelection..
How to get selected(user-highlighted) text in contenteditable element and replace it? to get selected user highlighted text in contenteditable element and replace it I have a contenteditable.. div p ... and I need to do two things with selected user highlighted text Get the actual html which is selected Replace the selected..