javascript Programming Glossary: hitting
AngularJS - Any way for $ to send request parameters instead of JSON? value1 param2 value2 param3 value3 The endpoint I am hitting is expecting request parameters and not JSON. So my question..
Display DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea download your own copy of jquery fieldselection instead of hitting the one on my server. I've also upped a new demo as well as..
jQuery Mobile : What is the order of page events triggering? press device's home button . D When you restore the app Ex hitting the back button or just maximize it somehow . javascript jquery..
ASP.Net double-click problem note client side is that the user may cancel the post by hitting 'escape' so you should consider what to do here depending on..
AJAX, Subdomains, and SSL sending the XHR request to https someurl it's then hitting http someurl receiving the response and sending..
Which Stack Overflow-style Markdown (WMD) JavaScript editor should I use? lists are auto numbered ala Microsoft Word. That is hitting Enter after writing 1. first item will automatically get you..
iPad/iPhone browser crashing when loading images in Javascript This problem is widespread enough with everyone else hitting up against the same limit that I've ruled out my Javascript..
Want html form submit to do nothing from the button's onclick event but i also want the hitting enter functionality without getting all hackish. javascript..
Writing a chat application tradeoff benefit is that more browsers support it. Also hitting a MySQL database to see if there are messages is going to incur..
What's with those Do-Not-Use JavaScript People? [closed] at the WP SpamFree WordPress Plugin page Most of the spam hitting your blog originates from bots. Few bots can process JavaScript...
Is it possible for XHR HEAD requests to not follow redirects (301 302) or ability to prevent it I think with as many redirects hitting the web not we'll see the ability added but who knows when every..
GreaseMonkey script to auto login using HTTP authentication site entering the login page entering my credentials then hitting submit javascript http authentication greasemonkey http authentication..
Get Querystring with Dojo Querystring with Dojo All Users will be hitting up against a URL that contains a querystring called inquirytype..
Can scrapy be used to scrape dynamic content from websites that are using AJAX? and I'm having a good little mess around. However I'm hitting a massive hurdle over one issue. If a site loads a table of..
Submit jQuery UI dialog on <Enter> it to act like a regular GUI dialog box where simulates hitting the OK button. I assume this might be a simple option with the..
What is the most reliable way to hide / spoof the referrer in JavaScript? In Firefox the click event is fired for each mouseup and hitting Enter on a link or form control . The contextmenu event is required..
How is the default submit button on an HTML form determined? another kettle of fish... If the form is submitted by hitting Enter while in a non textarea field then it's actually down.. button is activated it's not even a requirement that hitting enter in e.g. a text input will submit the form. I believe that..
How to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? Error MySuperObject is undefined Then you reload the page hitting F5 . And it works Confusing... So what to do about it Well you..