javascript Programming Glossary: header
Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin have control of the responding server is to add a response header for Access Control Allow Origin This will allow cross domain.. In PHP you'll want to modify the response like so php header 'Access Control Allow Origin ' you can just put Header set Access..
JavaScript for detecting browser language preference What they do affect is the HTTP 'Accept Language' header but it appears this value is not available through javascript.. I've knocked up a google app engine script at http that will return you the HTTP request headers via.. that will return you the HTTP request headers via JSONP. Note this is a hack only to be used if you do not..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? is happening. We tried manually adding a timestamp to the headers but it did not help. We did more research and found that Safari.. on iOS6 will cache POSTs that have either no Cache Control headers or even Cache Control max age 0 . The only way I've found of.. Cache Control no cache . So No Cache Control or Expires headers iOS6 Safari will cache Cache Control max age 0 and an immediate..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events div data role page id index div data theme a data role header h3 First Page h3 a href #second class ui btn right Next a div.. head body Home div data role page id index div data role header h3 First Page h3 div div data role content a data role button.. head body Home div data role page id second div data role header h3 Second Page h3 div div data role content div content div..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content widget Enhance a page content Enhance a full page content header content footer Enhance a single component widget Important The.. Gajotres 426NU Enhance a full page content header content footer Unfortunately for us trigger 'create' can not.. Unfortunately for us trigger 'create' can not enhance header and footer markup. In that case we need big guns '#index' .trigger..
Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile not the redirect page can not execute the function in its header. for example my index.html seem to be document .bind deviceready..
Accessing the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript in JavaScript How do I access a page's HTTP response headers via JavaScript Related to this question which was modified.. was modified to ask about accessing two specific HTTP headers. Related How do I access the HTTP request header fields via.. HTTP headers. Related How do I access the HTTP request header fields via JavaScript Duplicate How can i read the current headers..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? Cross Origin Resource Sharing standard by setting response headers on the server. This answer is discussed in other answers in.. for NON OPTIONS requests this example always sets all headers for a smaller code snippet. In postHere.php setup the following.. 'HTTP_ORIGIN' case 'http' case 'https' header 'Access Control Allow Origin '. _SERVER 'HTTP_ORIGIN' header..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin OKed it. That's where the Access Control Allow Origin header came in. I believe you mentioned you were running it from a.. running it from a file URL. There are two ways for CORS headers to signal that a cross domain XHR is OK. One is to send Access.. the other was to echo back the contents of the Origin header. However file URLs produce a null Origin which can't be authorized..
Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin php header 'Access Control Allow Origin ' you can just put Header set Access Control Allow Origin setting on apache conf or htaccess..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? gets. What I don't know is how to set this just for POSTs. Header set Cache Control no cache Update Just noticed that I didn't.. like this in Apache SetEnvIf Request_Method POST IS_POST Header set Cache Control no cache env IS_POST share improve this answer..
JavaScript window.location does not set referer in the request header my question is why IE does not set Referer to the Request Header if I use window.location Any thoughts or fixes This does not..
Using PUT/POST/DELETE with JSONP and jQuery like Script location.href 'some url' script Using HTTP Header. See http how to redirect a webpage.php So.. the server is expected to be a REDIRECTION either by HTTP Header or by writing a SCRIPT tag. redirection is better SCRIPT tag.. data whatever_the_server_has_to_return script But HTTP Headers would be considered more clean The utility page on the same..
Header message just like at Stack Overflow message just like at Stack Overflow This is the first time..
backbone.js structuring nested views and models tagName h1 render function this.el .html Header text or use this.options.headerText or equivalent funcB1 function..
HTML table with fixed headers? column widths below is the code. here's the demo Fixed Header Demo head script src http ajax libs jquery.. border 1 width 100 id tblNeedsScrolling thead tr th Header 1 th th Header 2 th tr thead tbody tr td row 1 cell 1 td td.. 100 id tblNeedsScrolling thead tr th Header 1 th th Header 2 th tr thead tbody tr td row 1 cell 1 td td row 1 cell 2..
Force Download an Image Using Javascript 1 SetEnvIf Request_URI ^ .png REQUESTED_IMAGE_BASENAME 1 Header set Content Disposition attachment filename REQUESTED_IMAGE_BASENAME..
Does execCommand SaveAs work in Firefox? here . For example FilesMatch .pdf IfModule mod_headers.c Header set Content Disposition attachment # for older browsers Header.. set Content Disposition attachment # for older browsers Header set Content Type application octet stream IfModule FilesMatch..
Is the recommendation to include CSS before JavaScript invalid? 18 IE 9 Firefox 9 CSS first last first last first last Header Exec Average 583ms 36ms 559ms 42ms 565ms 49ms St Dev 15ms.. 18 IE 9 Firefox 9 CSS first last first last first last Header Exec Average 597ms 556ms 562ms 559ms 564ms 564ms St Dev 14ms.. 18 IE 9 Firefox 9 CSS first last first last first last Header Exec Average 620ms 560ms 577ms 577ms 571ms 567ms St Dev 16ms..